20 Questions with ….. Christopher D Hunt

Actor, singer, west end performer and fightdirector Christopher D Hunt sat down with fairypowered to answer 20 questions. Christopher is currently playing Jeff on the Take That inspired musical, Greatest Days. The show finishes its 2023 tour at Leeds and tickets can be found here

Lets start with a few favourites

Favourite show (whether you have been in it or not)? 

To Kill a Mockingbird & Lord of the Rings at Theatre Royal Drury Lane (in them both)

Favourite book? 

To Kill a Mockingbird

Favourite theatre? 

Theatre Royal Drury Lane,  Regent’s Park Open Air Theatre

Favourite song? 

Smile (Charlie Chaplin)

Favourite music? 

Anything By the Beatles

Favourite food? 

Anything Naughty

Favourite drink? 

Anything Naughty

What is your favourite role? 

I have loved all the roles I have played.

What was your first role? 

My 1st Role was playing Cardinal Richelieu in The Three Musketeers at The Rose Theatre.

And what role would you really like to play? 

I had the chance to play Batman for Warner Bros on a world arena Tour. I would love to do that again.

If you weren’t a performer, what would you be?

There is nothing else I would rather do.

What made you decide to be a performer? 

My Grandfather was a massive inspiration for me. His involvement in the arts planted the seed to ignite the passion for me.

Do you enjoy touring?

 I love touring, I love the West End, I love any stage.

What advice would you give a 16-year-old you? 

Keep going Kid, keep telling stories, you’re good at it. 

Do you fancy branching out in Producing or Directing? 

As well as being an actor I have worked as a fight director Strangely I have been told a lot over the last few years by my peers that I should direct!

What was the last stage show you saw and really enjoyed? 

Only Fools and Horses at the Theatre Royal Haymarket – West End

Favourite line from any show? 

“A life lived in fear, is a life half lived” – Baz Luhrmann (Strictly Ballroom)

If you could be anyone else for the day, who would it be?

Gene Kelly or John Lennon

What are the nicest/weirdest things you have ever received from fans? 

I couldn’t possibly divulge but Cheesecake has been my favourite.

Can you tell us what you will be up to next? 

I plan to take a little break after this wonderful show has a break. I look forward to spending some time with my daughter and recharging the batteries in preparation for the next incredible story to be told.