West End stars grace the stage to support The National Brain Appeal

Sophie Ellis-Bextor and Ashleigh Gray to perform at

A Night For Life

Park Lane Hotel, London – Thursday 8th June 2017, 6.30pm

1 in 6 people in the UK are affected by a neurological disorder.

Sophie Ellis-Bextor, Ashleigh Gray (Wicked The Musical), Antony Hewitt (Aladdin), Nicholas McLean (The Book of Mormon), Irvine Iqbal (Aladdin), Joelle Dyson (Dreamgirls), Lauren Chia (Aladdin), The Twin Swing, Itch + Scratch and Jon Culshaw (Dead Ringers) will be among the stage and screen stars performing at A Night For Life, an event marking the two-year anniversary of Clíodhna McCorley’s diagnosis with a brain tumour. A Night For Life follows her extraordinary story to recovery.

Ashleigh Gray comments, It’s an honour to be part of a team helping to raise both funds and awareness for The National Brain Appeal. The statistics are alarming and difficult to ignore. And having experienced first-hand the devastating effects of both stroke and dementia, it’s a privilege to be part of an Event which ultimately supports both those suffering and their families.

Antony Hewitt says, I am honoured to be a part of A Night For Life, raising money and awareness for such a great cause in order to help those in need. I’ve had friends and family who have suffered with neurological conditions and so I feel grateful for the opportunity to join together and make a real difference for a cause that has such a personal meaning to me.

ITV Sport presenter Ed Chamberlin will host the evening’s entertainment extravaganza organised by West End Producer Jimmy Jewell.

In May 2015, aged 24, actress Clíodhna McCorley was diagnosed with a brain tumour and needed major brain surgery at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery (NHNN). Following a traumatic recovery period with decisions that would affect her for the rest of her life, Clíodhna has made a brilliant recovery. One year after her diagnosis, having lost the ability to walk after her surgery, she ran the Edinburgh Half Marathon (the first time she had ever run anything) and she remains passionate about raising awareness for neurological conditions so that others, like her, have a better chance of survival.

There are over 12.5 million people with a neurological condition in the UK today. That’s more than the number of people living with cancer, coronary heart disease and diabetes combined. Brain tumours kill more children and adults under the age of 40 than any other cancer.

A Night For Life will raise vital funds for The National Brain Appeal which fundraises for The National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery – the UK’s largest dedicated neurological hospital and neuroscience centre. Money raised at A Night For Life will complete Molly’s Fund which will enable the hospital to double the size of their dedicated Brain Tumour Unit. Work is due to start at the end of June, just weeks after this important event.

Clíodhna McCorley comments I was lucky in so many ways. Due to quick diagnosis, being treated by world-class surgeons who had access to the best facilities and equipment, the brilliant aftercare by the medical staff at the NHNN and all of those who showed some small kindness to me or my family, I have come out the other side. There is not a day that goes by when I am not thankful how lucky I am to have the love and support that gave me strength and hope at a time when I had none myself. However, many are not so lucky and raising funds is crucial to helping others have the best possible outcome.

Randox Health, a global leader in healthcare diagnostics and preventative health, will be the main sponsor for the evening. Tiger Risk Insurance will be the supporting sponsor.

A Night For Life will be a night to remember.

For more information, please visit:

Websiite – www.anightforlife.com Twitter – @anightforlife1 Instagram – @anightforlife Facebook – AnightForLife