Theatres Trust responds to confirmation of Step 4 going ahead on 19 July

Following the government’s confirmation that Step 4 of lockdown easing will go ahead in England on Monday 19th July, Theatres Trust director Jon Morgan has commented:

Today’s confirmation that Step 4 of the reopening roadmap will go ahead on 19 July is welcome news for theatres in England, who will no longer face capacity caps and social distancing requirements. This will enable theatres to welcome back full audiences, producing shows that are financially viable and to provide more work for the sector’s precious freelance workforce.

We know that theatres will do everything in their power to continue to ensure they provide a safe environment for their audiences.

While it is good news for England, theatres in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are still subject to tighter restrictions. A consistent approach is important both for the sake of struggling theatres in those nations and the impact on the viability of UK-wide tours, which are a vital part of the theatre landscape.