The Creature – Frankenstein Retold

Rose Theatre, Kingstone – until 29 February 2020

Reviewed by Carly Burlinge


“I was both one and zero, creator and destroyer, disease and cure, God and monster.”
Written by Ciaran McConville and Directed by Lucy Morrell comes the retold story of Frankenstein.

When an unknown person boards a vessel talking of a living thing with superhuman powers and speed an unknown creature, that  is of a threatening nature and going to attack!  Captain Ralf Wile (Francis Redfern) who plays a serious part and has general concern for his cargo and all that is aboard.  Tries to keep everything safe and begins to listen to a story that is revealed by the Creator (Eleanor Clark). A very clever scientist who was approached by Mr Kremp (Frankie Oldham) who wants nothing more for her to make a brain from scratch a Living creature! He comes across as quite a powerful man, over talkative and condescending at times but persuades her to start this experiment. Alongside him Mr Kirwin (Louis Mertens) who plays a peculiar man who is  a little creepy and has a strangeness to him.

The Creator (Eleanor Clark)  begins the process, it soon becomes clear that she becomes over obsessed no food, no sleep and she begins talking to herself regarding her developments. Hysteria soon kicks in as well as excitement and the creature is born. Is her creation something with a heart, something with compassion or is she playing with God!!! And how will things be once the creature has escaped  into this world?

The Creature ( Anna Pryce) who has powers unknown, can be manipulating and can take control of others bringing to light the unravelling of a frightening and alarming story that has many twists throughout creating a spectacular production.

The cast all done an exceptional job. You could see that they had a strong connection through the whole of the show. Some of the movements in this production was done exceptionally well offering more depth to the show.

The Set was very detailed and experimental with lots of wiring, different objects hanging such as pieces of sheets, poles and pipes with smoke rising from the depths with the colour green illuminating the masterpiece that was the machine. Also with a deep voice- over being played,  making the set very effective and remarkable to look at. The lighting was exceptional throughout while really highlighting some of the more dramatic scenes and bringing it all together making it a fascinating production to watch.