Same Time, Next Year Review

Malvern Theatre – until 29th January 2022

Reviewed by Kathie Hodges


As we left the theatre I gave a deathly stare to my husband. It was inevitable I would let him know if he ever does such a thing there will be a murder. I wonder how many others left with the same state of mind after watching Same Time, Next Year?

Set in 1951 this story begins with Doris played by Sarah Kempton and George played by Kieran Buckeridge, waking up after a one night stand, or at least what they assumed to be so, however that one night turns into a twenty four year series of one-night stands in which Doris and George return to the same cottage annually for a weekend rendezvous.

This saucy in parts, romantic comedy is based on the Broadway hit show, which was adapted to film in 1978 and it really is oddly gripping and entertaining.

You quickly push aside the sins of the affair and get to know the pair in a sympathetic way, quietly brushing under the carpet the damage the two are placing on their marriages.

Over the years the characters change, on occasion quite dramatically, from dress sense and hairstyles to political ideals but as several years pass between scenes, simply defined each time with the actors producing a small chalk board stating ‘Happy, 5th’ Happy 10th’ and so on, the reasons behind the changes are cleverly explained to the audience.

The relationship is about so much more than sex. The couple are really both learning and growing together, navigating the changing world, and the uncertainty of life, careers and children, but one thing remains the same. That one weekend of the year they share. No matter how they may have changed, the weekend stays the same. A safe familiar retreat that the pair have grown to want and need and look forward to.

It’s a fun show and there are many giggles, the actors are believable and did a wonderful job at pulling the audience in and keeping us on tenterhooks. I think we all wondered if it would come to an abrupt end, but did it? You will have to watch to see for yourself. No spoilers here.