Mayflower Theatre and Theatrical Lydia Food Bank Drive results





To mark Come From Away performing at Mayflower Theatre in Southampton, Theatrical Lydia and Mayflower Theatre ran a foodbank drive which raised over 25 crates full of food which has now been donated to Feed The Community Foodbank in Southampton and is expected to supply the foodbank for over four weeks.

Mayflower Theatre and Theatrical Lydia ran the foodbank drive inline with Pay It Forward 9/11, asking members of the audience to bring along something to donate in the foodbank collection and have been overwhelmed with the generosity from audiences.

At the heart of Come From Away is a story about compassion, community, and resilience. Sharing the incredible real-life story of 7,000 stranded air passengers and the people who welcomed them into their lives with open arms and hearts, giving all that they had.

Theatrical Lydia is following the Come From Away tour all around the UK after first discovering the show in December 2019. It is here that Lydia met Laura Townsend, another firm supporter of the show who saw the show over 150 times worldwide. Laura decided that she was going to travel alongside the tour, carrying out ‘Pay It Forward’ actions in each tour stop. Unfortunately, Laura fell ill last year, and sadly passed away a short time after in June, meaning that she sadly never saw the tour come to fruition. Lydia then decided in honour of her friend that she would then be the one to tour the UK and ‘Pay It Forward’ in as many locations as possible. After noticing Lydia online, Mayflower Theatre reached out keen to help out with the ‘Pay It Forwards’ and this is where the food bank drive idea came to life.

Pay It Forward 9/11 is a global initiative that was set up by the real-life Kevin Tuerff – a real ‘Come From Away’ who features in the show itself. The global initiative aims to spread kindness as a way to honour the Newfoundlanders who inspired the production’s heartwarming true story.

Michael Ockwell, Chief Executive of Mayflower Theatre says ‘The response to our foodbank drive with Theatrical Lydia has been incredible, it really shows that when a community pull together we can achieve amazing things, we are proud of our audiences and know this will make a real impact on the community.’

Lydia Greatrix of Theatrical Lydia says ‘I’m completely taken aback by the generosity and compassion shown by the patrons of Mayflower Theatre through our Pay It Forward Food Bank Drive. Thank you to everyone who opened their hearts and cupboards and showed some true Newfoundland kindness by pulling together as a community to make this happen. I’m so pleased to hear about the huge difference all the donations are going to make.’

Kevin Tuerff, President and Founder of Pay It Forward 9/11 says ‘Mayflower Theatre’s food bank drive was a smashing success. Clearly the people of Southampton have kind hearts like the Canadians I first met on 9/11, who opened their pantries to feed thousands of refugees in need. We invite everyone to keep up this spirit and join us 1st through 11th of September for our “11 Days of Kindness” scheme.” Free registration is available at’

Victoria Ugwoeme, Manager of Feed the Community Foodbank says ‘We want to say a massive thank you to everyone who donated to support the Food Bank Drive organised by Mayflower Theatre and Theatrical Lydia. Southampton audiences have shown how kind-hearted they can be, we are overjoyed by the sheer volume of donations which will help ensure our service users don’t go hungry. Thank you to the audiences of Come From Away.’

To find out more about Pay It Forward 9/11 please visit:

To find out more about Theatrical Lydia’s mission please visit her Instagram: