General Secretary Review

Soho Theatre, London – 1 February 2022

Reviewed by Debra Stottor


Think you can run the world better than the current crop of leaders? This may (or may not) make you think again…

Imagine you find yourself in a position of ultimate power – the leader of the world – with zero previous experience. What are the big issues you’d tackle first? And what about the unforeseen consequences of your decisions? How will the previously insignificant, totally unqualified and definitely powerless Cassie and Georgina cope? Will they turn into their vision of the perfect female leader – a combination of Ariana Grande, Mother Theresa and Jackie Weaver?

They say absolute power corrupts absolutely, and this is a satirical exploration seen through a female lens, touching on socialism, corruption, cronyism, power and diplomacy. Very much a piece for our times.

Comedy duo Thick ‘n’ Fast, otherwise known as Cassie Symes and Georgina Thomas, take us on a satirical comedy journey, playing three parts each, with just a change of jacket to indicate the change of scene. The news in particular serves as an opportunity for a string of quick-fire one-liners, with a so-bad-it’s-good running joke at the end of each bulletin.

The pace is fast, the jokes are good, the satire is right up to the minute – and if you need a crash course in world history, it’s served up here on flashcards, à la Bob Dylan doing ‘Subterranean Homesick Blues’.

General Secretary was first shown as a lockdown livestream in April 2021, and it’s safe to say the piece has been reworked for this outing to take account of current events. Originally scheduled to be part of the cancelled VAULT festival, this was shown as part of Soho Rising festival. Thick ‘n’ Fast were Artists in Residence at Applecart Arts last year. Their debut show, Not Quite, sold out Soho Theatre and saw them named one of The Scotsman’s ‘Best Duos at the Edinburgh Fringe’ in 2019.

This is a duo worth watching out for in the future