Everybody’s Talking About Jamie Review

Edinburgh Festival Theatre – until 7 March 2020

Reviewed by Manetta Anderson-McIntosh


Just A Boy in a Dress

This is by far the best original musical I have seen in a long time, not just for the acting/singing, but for the script, the lyrics and the music, Dan Gillespie Sells and Tom MacRae, stand up and take a bow. There was nothing not to like about this musical, based on the real life of Jamie Campbell, who knew from a young age he wanted to become a drag queen. The way this was dealt with during school career class was thought provoking and comical at the same time, all kids seem to want a quick way to fame these days, but some kids have the capacity to achieve it.

The story is about a teenager, Jamie New (Layton Williams), who knows what he wants to be and shows how, with the right support you can achieve your dreams. Williams was superb in the role, he is charisma in heels. Jamie is supported in his quest by amazing people played by an amazing cast. Hugo/Loco Chanelle (Shane Richie), Jamie’s mum, Margaret (Amy Ellen-Richardson), Rey (Shobna Gulati) are his main supporters and it was an absolute treat to hear Shane Richie sing. Everybody should have a Rey in their lives, she’s like the cool aunt who would kick anyone’s backside for hurting you but kick your backside when you need it as well. The script was sensitive, serious and hilariously funny, but when Amy Ellen-Richardson sung He’s My Boy, you could have heard a pin drop, all the emotion of the love of a single mum for her only son was captured beautifully in this song.

The supporting cast were evident and energetic, not just background furniture. Every hero has a nemesis and for Jamie, his was Dean (George Sampson), he plays a baddie quite well and portrays all the stereotypical dislike towards Jamie that we sadly still see so much of in today’s society. Whilst there was much humour, the struggles that kids who are different go through were touched on sympathetically. There was so much to like about this production, the writing and the music, as I have already said, where fabulous but I think for me, seeing Sandra Bollock (Cameron Johnson) tucking himself … yes I said tucking, was comedy gold.

If this musical was an animal it would be a sparkly unicorn, despite the issues dealt with this is an absolute feel good production and will have you singing along and tapping your toes when you hear the music again.