New Wimbledon Theatre – until 9th April 2022
Reviewed by Carly Burlinge
Everybody’s Talking about Jamie – is about a 16-year-old boy called Jamie (Layton Williams) who is about to leave school and is fighting for acceptance from all those around him. He has big dreams and is passionate about being on stage and becoming a drag queen. He also wants to stand proud and attend his Prom wearing a dress and heels, being him and showing the world. His actions looked at by others with some uncertainty cruelness and prejudice from so called bullies. His Mother Margaret (Amy Ellen) plays his fierce protector throughout and will do anything in order for his happiness to be present. Her songs If I Met Myself Again and Hes My Boy were performed exceptionally well and showed a lot of passion and emotion – what an applause for songs well sung capturing the audience she was truly amazing to watch.
Jamie impressed all with his amazing entertaining execution throughout the show playing his character with ease. Whilst cracking dance moves in some exquisite heels. He was superb to watch from start to finish had a pretty tremendous voice with a lot of sass thrown in I mean what isn’t there to like. Throughout the show he is also helped along the way by Hugo/Loco Chanelle (Shane Richie) who lets him perform in his club legs 11 as a Drag Queen. He tells his story of being in the spotlight himself along with his experiences and helps Jamie along through his journey. Was great to watch in full Drag had the audience in laughter sang some great songs along with many great outfit’s feathers, leather and full sequin jackets and fabulous headpieces.
This show was well written had a real feel-good factor and had you smiling from ear to ear. A Great spirited musical with some really catchy tunes, some fab dance steps and a great connection had by all on stage. A production not to be missed that leaves you feeling cheerful and fabulous so much to offer just marvellous magnificent and a delight to watch.