Darlington Civic Theatre – Doug Scott

Civic-Theatre-Hi-Res-Logo-1-117x300SOARING TO NEW HEIGHTS

Celebrated mountaineer Doug Scott will visit Darlington Civic Theatre on Tuesday 29 September to share his story of climbing Everest – The Hard Way.

Autumn 2015 will mark the 40th anniversary of the first ascent of ‘Everest: The Hard Way’, when the late Dougal Haston and Doug Scott made the first ascent of the mountain’s massive South West Face. In this special lecture Doug will tell of the epic expedition and climb, how his life led up to this defining moment and where it took him upon his return from the summit.

This is a brand new lecture for the anniversary, lavishly illustrated with Doug’s celebrated mountain photography and will provide a very personal account of this legendary first ascent. Not to be missed by mountaineers and armchair adventurers alike.

Doug Scott’s Everest – The Hard Way is at Darlington Civic Theatre on Tuesday 29 September. Tickets* are £16 and £18.

*All ticket prices include a £1 restoration levy.

To book contact the Box Office on 01325 486 555 or visit www.darlingtoncivic.co.uk