Brand new John Godber play at Hull New Theatre on sale this week

The Kings are Back!

Playwright John Godber brings new play to Hull New Theatre

Malcolm King returns to Hull New Theatre, in playwright John Godber’s hilarious sequel to last year’s record-breaking hit, The Kings of Hull.

Commissioned as part of Hull’s UK City of Culture celebrations, we first met the Kings family at Malcolm and Becky’s golden wedding anniversary as they reflect on the city’s past, from the 1960s through to Brexit and beyond. Now we rejoin them as Malc and his family embark on a P&O Ferries’ Dutch Dash, where they discover it’s not only the sea that gets rough. It could be Rotterdam or anywhere, but when you take the Kings out of Hull, the sparks still fly. Whoever said that family was dead?…

Honorary Hullensian John Godber made a name for himself, and a place in the local history books, after steering Hull Truck Theatre from the brink of bankruptcy in the 1980s to international success as its Artistic Director. Today, his unique writing style, packed with in-jokes and local references continue to shape truly memorable theatrical experiences. Long Live The Kings marks the continuation of the partnership between Hull New Theatre and the John Godber Company to produce bespoke work for the city’s audiences.

Tickets for Long Live The Kings of Hull at Hull New Theatre from 5 – 15 September 2018, will be on sale from 10am on Thursday 5 April to Extra Members and from 10am on Friday 6 April to the general public. Book at the Hull City Hall Box Office, call 01482 300 306 or visit our website to book online