20 Questions with ….. Oliver Tompsett

download (4)Singer, actor and West End leading man Oliver Tompsett answered 20 questions

Some favourites

Favourite show (whether you have been in it or not)?

Full Monty

Favourite book?

The Yes Man

Favourite theatre?

The Unicorn Theatre Abingdon

Favourite song?

Hip-Hop popotamus

Flight of the Conchords

Favourite music?

Anything with a funky brass section

Favourite food

Christmas dinner

Favourite line from any show?

“I am the walrus. I’m just a teenage dirtbag baby. Who is the real Slim Shady? Who let the dogs out? Who Who? Who? Who? Who?” Galileo WWRY

What is your favourite role?

Sausage ……. Oh sorry … Drew Rock of Ages

What was your first role?

Tony – West Side Story

And what role would you really like to play?

Jerry in The Full Monty

If you could be anyone else for the day, who would it be?

My wife she’s lucky to see me everyday … Joke …. Erm probably Richard Branson

You have a son, would you encourage him to become a performer?

I would encourage him to do whatever makes him happy

What are the nicest/weirdest things you have ever received from fans?

Sweets, chocolates and a picture of Oliver Thornton to sign?

Have you considered doing a play or straight acting with no singing?

Yes I would jump at the chance

If you weren’t an amazing performer what would you be?

A PE Teacher

What advice would you give 16 year old Oliver?

Stop roller skating everywhere and learn to play the piano

What was the last stage show you saw and really enjoyed?

Oh What A Lovely War

You teach master classes with your Tricks of the Stage, do you enjoy spotting new talent?

Yes I love discovering and learning from talent of all ages

Will you be producing a CD of your songs?

If I think it will be excellent and enough people would buy it to cover the costs yeah someday

Can you tell us what you will be up to next?

Nope ! Can you? The life of an actor is a strange one and until Spielberg calls I’m happy doing bits and bobs. It will take something really special and fun for me to take a year contract at the mo
Thank you so much for helping me