White Christmas Review

New Victoria Theatre, Woking – Until 30th October 2021.

Reviewed by Becky Doyle


White Christmas was just what was needed on a dull October evening. The cast and choreography were nothing but fantastic which had the audience captivated from the moment Matthew Jeans (Bob Wallace) and Dan Burton (Phil Davis) took to the stage to sing the classic carol.

For someone who wasn’t familiar with the 1954 film or story, it was easy to follow, whilst: thorough, touching and entertaining. The four main stars; Matthew Jeans, Dan Burton, Jessica Daley (Betty Haynes) and Emily Langham (Judy Haynes) all had spectacular voices (and tapping feet); Jessica Daley in particular had a mesmerising voice which captivated me throughout, with the sensitive yet strong, confident tone. This isn’t to take anything from the rest of the cast; Ella Kemp (Susan Waverly) whose debut roles was this, played a very convincing child experiencing life outside of her grandfathers’ ‘typical’ resort for the first time with a singing voice that took all the audience by surprise. Kraig Thornber who played wrongly regarded simple Ezekiel had a surprise tune for us all to demonstrate even those with little to say have singing voice to make you stop and listen.

Michael Taylor’s (Set Director) was brilliant, with bright lights, twinkling stars and a little surprise at the end to really get you into the White Christmas spirit.

This is absolutely a feel-good show that will leave toes tapping and hands clapping – a must see if near you!