Velma Celli: Show Queen Review

York Theatre Royal – Thursday 23rd May 2024

Reviewed by Michelle Richardson


York drag sensation Velma Celli, the alter ego of West End star Ian Stroughair, brought her latest cabaret act to the York Theatre Royal stage on Thursday evening. Show Queen, a celebration of the very best from London’s West End and Broadway Musical Theatre hits.

What a start to the show. Burlesque artist Miss Betsy Rose, performing a modest dance, before we were introduced to the star of the show, Velma. She looked fabulous with her amazing black outfit, massive bouffant skirt, short fitted jacket, hat and sparkly gloves. Just WOW!

Rather unfortunately there was a problem with the sound during the first number, and the show had to be halted mid-song to try and rectify. We had to wait a short while for it to restart, the whole audience showed great patience and understanding, and eager to have a great evening’s worth of entertainment. Starting from scratch, the show did go on, much to all our delight.

What a night it was, with music from some well-known shows, Cabaret, Rent, Six, Les Mis, Wicked and many more, as well as others, not so well known, Taboo and Soho Cinders. Even with the well-known shows, the tunes weren’t necessarily the ones you would expect to hear, with Velma opting for the more obscure numbers, as well as firm favourites. There were so many belting tunes, one of my favourites was Feeling Good, from the lesser known The Roar of the Greasepaint – The Smell of the Crowd, but we all know the tune.

Along with a four-piece band, Scott, Sexy Al, Claudia, and Gordon, she had a couple of guest entertainers. As well as Miss Betsy Rose, who performed an impressive burlesque routine, Velma was joined by her local partner in crime, Jessica Steel. Accompanied by Stuart on the guitar, an ABBA medley, and her cracking vocals you can understand why Jess is her go-to girl. The local York audience lapped up their chemistry.

The charismatic Velma is a born entertainer, commanding centre stage. With her sharp wit, acidic tongue, and belting voice, she is a true star. I would have loved to have seen Stroughair perform on stage in the West End. Her ability to interact with the audience is a wonderful thing, at one point she had us all meowing to her rendition of Memory from Cats, and singing along with Never Trevor, you know, the ‘famous’ lyrics from Never Enough from The Greatest Showman. We were putty in her hands.

My only criticism of the night was, I thought there was too much echo on the vocals, her vocal range is impressive, and she really didn’t need it. That is only my untrained opinion, and it certainly didn’t detract from an amazing show.

Velma Celli is such a fabulous, flamboyant drag star, the consummate Show Queen. This one night only, cabaret show, was an amazing fun night out, fully deserving the standing ovation.

Make sure you keep an eye out for any of her future shows, I know I will.