Following the Prime Minister’s announcement today on how England will transition out of lockdown from Wednesday 2nd December, Theatres Trust director Jon Morgan responds:
We recognise the need to strengthen the tiers to control the spread of the virus, so in light of this Theatres Trust welcomes the news that theatres in Tiers 1 and 2 will still be able to reopen from 2 December. Once it is confirmed which areas fall within these tiers later this week, it will be a huge relief for those theatres and producers whose theatres fall into the lower tiers and who have gone to enormous lengths to plan safe, socially-distanced pantomimes and other shows.
However, it remains the case that, for the majority of theatres, it is simply not viable to reopen with social distancing in place so many theatres will not reopen even in the lower tiers. We are encouraged by positive developments in finding a vaccine and the introduction of mass testing, however if there are any delays in the timetables for these, theatres are only supported by the extension of the furlough scheme and government grants until the end of March. It is therefore essential that work continues across the sector and with the government to identify mitigating measures that might allow fuller audiences to return safely to theatres as soon as possible.