The Wardrobe Ensemble and Shoreditch Town Hall present
The Young Theatremaker’s Toolbox
@WardrobeEnsemble / www.thewardrobeensemble.com
@ ShoreditchTH /http://www.shoreditchtownhall.com/
- The Wardrobe Ensemble to run a theatre programme in devising and ensemble-based theatre for ages 16 – 25 at Shoreditch Town Hall 18– 22 February 2019.
- Please find company outreach images and photos from Education, Education, Education here: https://we.tl/t-YeyeriT7ai (Credit: Graeme Braidwood)
- More information on booking can be found here: https://shoreditchtownhall.com/whats-on/the-young-theatre-makers-toolbox
The week will be facilitated by members of multi-award winning theatre company The Wardrobe Ensemble and will culminate in a showing of a new piece of work to an invited audience of friends and family.
The theme of the week is The Young Theatremaker’s Toolbox andaims to equip participants with a broad range of skills from which to approach devising theatre. The week will give an insight into The Wardrobe Ensemble’s creative process, including ways of generating text, physical theatre and ensemble work.
We welcome individuals who are interested in testing their creativity, with no prior experience necessary, and seek to have a rehearsal room that is diverse in experience, perspective and background. We will work on a first come first served basis.
Venue: Shoreditch Town Hall, EC1V 9LT
Date: 18 – 22nd February 2019
Timings: 10am – 6pm
Age suitability: 16 – 25
Price: £150 (some bursaries available)
Info: Please contact Emily if you have any questions, access needs or want to know more about the programmme.
‘A company that knows exactly what it is doing’ – The Guardian