The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe Meet and Greet Event

Leeds Playhouse – 26th September 2024

Reviewed by Dawn Smallwood

The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe Exclusive Meet and Greet Event was organised by the Leeds Playhouse and Chris Harper Productions. It was an opportunity for one to be fully immersed and be acquainted for when The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe comes to Leeds Playhouse in November for the festive season ahead of a national tour in the new year. The UK tour is part of 75th anniversary of when C S Lewis’ novel was published.

All the invitees were invited to descend, step through the “wardrobe” and into the Kingdom of Narnia. Firstly, admiring close up the incredible characters’ costumes for the forthcoming production including the standout one belonging to the Cruellest White Witch.

Then the director, Michael Fentiman, and designer, Tom Paris, shared words about the planning and processing of the production and how this will manifest into narrating the story amidst a magical and spectacular setting. A performance was given from the original West End’s Mr Tumnus who was accompanied by a pianist and violinist. Puppetry will play a key role in the production with the welcome of Aslan, the legendary lion, making its grand presence at the latter stages of the event.

The Meet and Greet Event is a taste of what is to come at the end of the year. This production no doubt will be an immersive and spectacular theatrical treat and celebrating artistically and creatively in performance and production. A sweet ending to the event was that everyone being given a hot chocolate and a Turkish delight.

The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe will run at the Playhouse from 18th November 2024 to 25th January 2025 before embarking on a national tour.