The Theatre Royal Glasgow – until 11 November 2018

Reviewed by Linda McLaughlan



This is the story of a Diamond Robbery (Heist) in the making. Prince Ludwig of Hungary is coming to Minneapolis USA on a state visit and will bring with him the crown of the royal jewels a 300 carat diamond. Which is planning to be stolen by several crooks in Minneapolis!

The stage props take you straight into the setting of a jail cell where the prisoners are planning a jail-break in order to steal the diamond. Mitch Ruscitti (played by Liam Jeavons) a hardened criminal and cell mate who unwittingly enlists the help of a Prison Officer Neil Cooper (played by David Coomber) who has also enlisted other Prison Officers who in turn have enlisted the warden. An argument breaks out in the cell which allows the prisoners and Neil Cooper to escape whilst locking the prison officers and warden in the cell.

As the prisoners escape the backdrop changes to the Minneapolis Bank where we meet Ruth Monaghan (played by Ashley Tucker) who has worked at the bankers a clerk for over 10 Years, Warren Slax (played by Jon Trenchard) who at 67 years old is still an intern at the bank and the Manager, Robin Freeboys (played by Damian Lynch). Mr Freeboys is a skinflint who is reluctant to promote or give his staff a raise. He is in the process of getting the diamond off Prince Ludwig to his bank by having the vault upgraded and approved by the FBI who send Officer Randal Shuck (played by Killian McArdle) who is a bungling idiot.

As the bank is being inspected by the Officer, Sam Monaghan enters (played by Sean Carey). Sam is a small time crook who is the son of Ruth who is trying to get her son a job at the bank but he is busy pick-pocketing the unsuspecting customers.

The production takes the audience through the escapades of the bungling crooks and has us in fits of laughter through out with some tongue in cheek moments.

This is a production I would recommend everyone takes the opportunity to see as you will not be disappointed. The slap stick comedy performances given are outstanding