
Tell Me How It Ends is penned by Tasha Dowd, a graduate from the acclaimed Young Everyman Playhouse (YEP) programme and the recipient of the 2023 Homotopia Writers’ Award. The play had its world premiere here at the Everyman Theatre, showcasing the theatre’s dedication to supporting emerging artists and looking after talent from the Liverpool City Region.

Taking place in the late 1980’s Liverpool during the AIDS epidemic, “Tell Me How It Ends” tells a heartfelt narrative about two diverse and LGBTQ+ individuals, whose lives become intertwined because of their circumstances and their passion for books.

Luke Sookdeo portrays the character Marc, spelled with a ‘c’, while Emmy Stonelake plays Aster in this enthralling tale that delves into themes of love, truth, and heartbreak. Aster volunteers with a lesbian organisation that offers support to individuals living with HIV. It is here that she encounters Marc, who is undergoing treatment in hospital and lacks family support.

Aster is quite controlling and constantly reminds Marc to take his medication on time, but she does this out of genuine concern for his well-being. Marc tends to be emotionally impulsive, largely due to his illness. Thanks to Aster’s persistence, she eventually encourages Marc to start reading and engaging in conversations again.

While this play confronts the harsh realities of living with AIDS, there is also joy to be found in witnessing the friendship between Marc and Aster blossom.

Sookdeo and Stonelake excel in their roles. They immerse themselves in their performance and captivate the audience from the opening scene, holding our attention until the very end.

Katie Scott has designed a well-organised set with multiple levels that smoothly transitions between scenes at the hospital, Aster’s home, Marc’s B&B, and a nightclub. Despite its simplicity, the set effectively directs focus to the sombre hospital bed at the centre. The costumes, also created by Scott, along with the impressive soundtrack, evoke a nostalgic feel. The audience were delighted by a scene where the pair entered with a BHS carrier bag after a shopping spree.

This play is a must-see as it is exceptionally well-written, directed, and superbly acted! It evokes a bittersweet feeling, simultaneously warming your insides and breaking your heart. It truly is captivating!