Strictly Ballroom the Musical is a musical theatre adaptation of the highly rated and critically acclaimed 1992 film, written and directed by Baz Luhrmann. Luhrmann is an Australian film director, producer, writer and actor, with projects spanning film, television, opera, theatre, music and recording industries. On the screen he is best known for projects including William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet (1996), Moulin Rouge (2001), Australia (2008) and Elvis (2022).
Strictly Ballroom the Musical has had a checkered history ever since it premiered at the Sydney Lyric in April 2014, where it was met with mixed reviews. It received its British premiere in November 2016 in Leeds. There has been a number of productions, some using pre-existing songs and some using pre-existing songs combined with songs written especially for the show – the version that is now touring the UK and Ireland.
The musical follows the trials and tribulations of Scott Hastings (Edwin Ray), a champion ballroom dancer since he was 6 years old, who refuses to stick to regulation ‘federation steps’ in a competition and stands to ruin his chances of winning the prestigious Pan Pacific Championships. He struggles to find a partner to help break conformity but then meets Fran (Maisie Smith), who is full of enthusiasm but a beginner at the dance school.
The most beautiful surprise of the evening was from Maisie Smith, her characters’ debut song showed off her wondrously impressive vocal talents. Smith is best known for her 13 year stint on EastEnders and for being one of 2020’s Strictly contestants.
My favourite scene in this production, was at the end of act 1. Jose Agudo, as Fran’s father Rico put on a breathtakingly commanding display of the Paso Doble (Harbenera), a dazzling dance with great tempo. I was mesmerised and did not want it to end! Agudo was phenomenal and stole the show!
A special mention must go to Mark Walters for his spectacular set design. As soon as the safety curtain lifted, you were transported into the world of glitz and glamor of ballroom dancing.
Strictly Ballroom is a lot of fun with some superb performances, strictly brilliant! You will be foxtrotting your way home.