Stick Man Review

Lyceum Theatre, Sheffield – runs until 25th November 2023

Reviewed by Sophie Dodworth


If you are a parent then you more than likely have read a book of Julia Donaldsons, which Axel Scheffler illustrates. These books are often fabulous, written so well, with great rhyming verse throughout. Stick Man is one of her top titles (as the majority of them are) and is just such a lovely, feel-good story, written with such great imagination. This adaptation of the story by Freckle Productions, works perfectly and stops at the Sheffield Lyceum for three days with shows at varied times throughout the day for all the family.

The poor stick man heads off on quite the misadventure, going through the motions of living like a typical stick would do! He has a dog wanting to play fetch with him, swans making a nest with him and even almost ends up as firewood. All the while he is missing his family dearly, as are they him…will he get home in time for Christmas? There is of course an appearance from Father Christmas which turns the show in to a real festive treat.

The actors are cast really well and there is some super talent on the stage. Between the three they can all sing, dance and act flawlessly. With an extra wow to Ben Williamson-Jones who can seemingly play almost every instrument under the sun. He is responsible for the music for the songs as well as all the sound effects, all this while singing and dancing himself.

The set is simple with not much on stage but works really well, the actors use props like umbrellas and sheets to create realistic effects. Everything being so well-polished makes their efforts worthwhile.

A really solid, fun family show, which the adults can also enjoy.