Sleeping Beauty – The Rock ‘n’ Roll Panto Review

Theatr Clwyd, Yr Wyddgrug/Mold – until Saturday 6th January 2024

Reviewed by Julie Noller


It’s Pantomime!!!!! Which means Christmas is getting ever closer, love it or loathe it you can’t deny it’s appeal. Changes may be afoot with the refurbishment of Theatr Clwyd which has seen the main auditorium named after famed actor Anthony Hopkins out of action. We have questioned could Panto be cancelled (oh the shock and the horror) but hurrah approaching Mold a new construction has set locals talking ‘have you seen the big top?’ Double hurrah Panto is saved. I was amazed to discover that Theatr Clwyds Big Top Theatre can seat upwards of 900 people!!!! I loved the lay out a large square sized set placed perfectly in the middle, it was brightly lit with lots of neon lights. The sound was clear and we had no difficulty in hearing any voices or music. The only difficulty I actually had was in realising I was sat in a tent; on top of a hill on an icy cold evening. The welcome was warm and friendly in fact the only frostiness was in the ice creams at interval time!

So it’s Panto there are certain checklists to expect and they were all ticked, silliness with added fart jokes, slight mishaps that you are never sure were always meant to go wrong, bright lights, singsongs, super squirter waterguns, magical bubbles. All ticked off, for those few people who have never been to Panto or to my utter disbelief refuse to go to Panto because its just not theatre darling; I doubt I can change your mind but to see 900 people laughing, singing, clapping and not to mention the joy of a child who is utterly amazed at so many fart jokes is priceless.

Sleeping Beauty has been given the rock n roll panto effect by writer Christian Patterson. It contains many songs we found ourselves singing away to from Kate Bush to Supergrass via AC/DC this is the rock n roll panto after all. Most of the cast we recognise obviously they all love Theatr Clwyd and Panto as much as we do.

Ben Locke 2023 Villain of the Year award winner (so very well deserved) is captivating as Mordecai a sort of fairyesque panto version of he who can’t be named. His version of a puffy overweight french chef had us in stitches and changes to his voice were superb, he is aided by sidekicks Snarl and Fang (Theo Diedrick and Alice McKenna). Celia Cruwys-Finnigan portrays Muddles a girls best friend who just as I was beginning to think they were all going to sing down and play up the comedy smashed a heart churning ballad out into the Flintshire countryside. There’s King Dom acting like he’s straight out of a Black Adder episode with added farts just to make sure Dan Bottomley isn’t taking his role too seriously, his daughter Beauty wants to climb, wants to explore isn’t too sure of her place and doesn’t quite understand why. Emma Kinney tries her hardest to bring out the stronger sides of her character. Our three fairies Cariad (Ai Kumar), Cwtch (Caitlin Lavagna) and Calon (Georgina White) amazed and dazzled; I was captivated by their makeup, hair and outfits. They were our storytellers along with Olwen the spider voiced by Sian Gibson.

There are moments of behind yous and oh no your nots for what is any Panto without those bits of simple joy. Now to the elephant in the room, no quite literally the elephant mobility scooter that delivers us Nurse Nellie the absolute main star without any doubt. Poor Nathan (there will be always be a Nathan) plucked from the front row, made to sign a pre nup, introduced as Nellies next husband.

Phylip Harries has been encouraging and delighting audiences for 20 years as Molds very own Dame, Nurse Nellie from Abergele, we all responded to queries of how she looked with ‘looking lush love’ I checked with that great online oracle and apparently 41 years is the record to beat, no pressure there then. I and many others wait for the costumes and the one liners that we can take comfort in as sure as Santa brings us presents then Nurse Nellie delivered laughs a plenty. Do you believe you’ll be sat in an audience rocking out 12 days of christmas? Rock n roll stylee sees 900 people belting out ‘5 toilet rolls’ and the Big Top stage set up is perfect for audience to cast interactions, they run up and down the stairs although its hard to explain bloomers on a string and everyone enjoyed batting beachballs around. The only serious point I have to make is how perfectly insync with modern society Christian Patterson has written this panto with local touches including the dreaded 20mph scheme but that no girl needs a Prince Charming she just needs self belief and the love of a best friend.

A singsong then brought to an end the perfect night wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and looking forward to many more nights at Theatr Clwyd and seeing Phylip Harries daming it up for next years Rock ‘n’ Roll Panto.