Pride & Prejudice (Sort Of) Review

Richmond Theatre – until 18 February 2023

Reviewed by Carly Burlinge  


Richmond brings you the adapted version of Pride and Prejudice, winning the Olivier Award for best comedy and I can totally see why! Originally from Jane Austen’s well known love story. It’s the 1800 ‘s where much matchmaking seems to be apparent, whilst partying seems to be the attraction and throw in some karaoke and humour and you end up with a fantastic production that is well worth a watch an all-round great evening out.  

I love how it was done from a different perspective but yet stays faithful to the book, with some modern language and great comedic timing throughout. 

Each and every cast member although only being a total of five, were just fascinating and spectacular to watch. They had an exceptionally great connection on stage together that worked tremendously well. From so much comedy to singing and switching characters at a fast pace. Again, this was done at speed and with skill. The simple outfits used, defined their roles clearly so that there was no mix up between characters. All this whilst continually getting the full attention from the audience, who from start to finish laughed beyond control. What an awesome atmosphere to be a part of, as well as a standing ovation at the end and well deserved it was. 

The set consisted of a sweeping staircase along with many props which were used effectively creating a chaotic manor with so much wit its defiantly worth a watch.  

I can assure you this production will not let you down but will still have you in laughter once you’ve walked out of the theatre doors!!!