Oh What a Lovely War Review

Theatre Royal Windsor – until Saturday 6th April 2024

Reviewed by Carly Burlinge


Windsor brings you Oh What a Lovely War a 60th Anniversary production of Joan Littlewood’s Musical originally performed in 1963 then turned into a successful film released in 1969.

Before the show begins you see the cast walking around the stage and theatre, everything being a little chaotic whilst they interact with the audience as well as themselves, this is done very well and was very entertaining to watch. Setting the scene for what was to come. The set itself is very circus like for a war game show.

The production in itself is about World War One taking you through military leaders and everything that happened over the four years of war.

Images of the war were shown throughout the production on the back screen by projection  with statistics such as how many soldiers lost their lives within hours from different battles. Giving the audience a very harsh feeling which came across very haunting and harrowing. Not to mention how there was complete incompetence and inability alongside the cruel disregard for  human life!

The cast of six Tom Benjamin, Tom Crabtree, Harry Curley, Alice E Mayer, Chioma Uma, Euan Wilson were extremely talented had a great connection on stage for all to see as they adapted their characters in different roles with ease throughout this fast, paced, energetic, pristine performance.

It was outstanding to watch as well as their talents of also being musicians, playing many instruments, entertaining us with timeless songs including some audience participation of Sister Susie’s Sewing Shirts for Soldiers.

All the above making it a remarkable and entertaining evening with the perfect balance between tragedy and humour one that will most definitely stick in your mind and one that is a must see!