Noughts and Crosses Review

Northern Stage Newcastle – until 22nd October 2022

Reviewed by Sandra Little


This play revolves around the theme of forbidden love. However, issues relating to mental health, segregation, privilege and family discord are also included. The themes explored in this play also have strongly intertwined personal and political elements.

The play introduces the audience to a segregated society divided by race, where the Crosses are the more privileged group and the Noughts are perceived to be of a “lower order”. The two main characters in the play are Sephy (Effie Ansah ) and Callum ( James Arden ). These two characters are teenagers who are in love but must meet secretly to avoid any retribution, being as Sephy is a Cross and Callum a Nought.

As the play unfolds tensions between the two groups begin to emerge when Callum is offered a place at a school normally reserved for Crosses. Not only is there hostility from Crosses to this decision, there is also friction and disagreement between Callum and his brother, who are both Noughts. At this point in the play, an emerging political element to the story begins to emerge.

The second half of the play includes some very dramatic scenes alongside some quite tender moments. From a personal perspective, I was aware of absolute silence in the auditorium and it seemed as though the audience were holding their breath as they watched events unfold. At certain points this tension was almost palpable and there were scenes I found difficult to watch because of the intensity of the drama and emotion attached to the story.

The set and props used for this production are quite minimal, however they are used to great effect. They form an unobtrusive backdrop to a very strong storyline and very powerful acting. Creative use of lighting and sound enhances this emotionally charged production and creates the appropriate atmosphere for each scene. More sophisticated props and scenery would be unnecessary and could possibly be a distraction from the intense drama that unfolds in this play.

The storyline of this play highlights the discrimination and inequalities that existed between Noughts and Crosses. The jury for example in the play consisted of 12 Cross men and women but no Noughts! We also learned that Noughts were not allowed to have a passport or a mobile phone. Malorie Blackman has said that her greatest wish is for this story to be less, not more, relevant.

However, such complex issues as equality, fairness, freedom and basic human rights, which are all explored within this play, will no doubt resonate with people today in many societies who feel powerless to change their circumstances.