Monster Review

VAULTS FESTIVAL 2018 – until 28 January 2018.  Reviewed by Jessica Brady


“This is a story about a girl. And a boy. Some of it’s true. And some of it isn’t. And I’m not going to tell you which.” Worklight Theatre presents ‘Monster’ at Vaults festival this year, a clever and insightful one man show written and performed by Joe Sellman-Leava

The show tackles several themes and raises some important questions, what makes a man a monster? Are people born to be monsters? Is it a choice to be good or is it instinctively within us? These questions are investigated with a personal account of Joe’s past whilst researching for a role for a show in which Shakespeare’s approach to violent men and in particular the relationships built with women in many of his works. This is also in correlation with Joe’s new relationship with his girlfriend and the conversations that lead to sparks flying but not in the way you would expect.

The pressure that most one man shows are faced with is engaging an audience in the story that’s trying to be told and Sellman- Leava is expertly directed to do so by Yaz Al-Shaater. He works the entire stage with minimal props and costume leaving the majority of the work down to Joe and his impressive use of impersonations and incredibly skilled multi role switching. Quite simply, Joe’s talent and passion shines through this piece and his script is brutally honest, real and gritty regardless of the moments that are truth or fiction.

The issues involved in the piece are topical of the moment in the light of recent scandals that are in the tabloids but the conclusions made from it are very touching and will strike a chord with anyone who goes to see it. Catch it 7.15pm at the Vaults and keep an eye out for more from this exciting company and in particular Joe Sellman-Leava!