Meeting with ….. the stars of Cinderella in Darlington

L-R-Brendan-Sheerin-Ashleigh-Pudsey-Niki-Evans-Cinderella-Darlington-small-300x197The stars of Cinderella, Brendan Sheerin, Niki Evans and Ashleigh and Pudsey were in Darlington recently to help launch this year’s Pantomime.  


Hello, and welcome to Darlington.  Have you been here before?

B – No, this is my first time.  But I’ve had a walk round and it looks like a great town.  The people have all been very friendly and welcoming.

N – Yes, I’ve been here many times and I have some good friends close by who I am hoping to see and have a game of snooker with.

A – No, I’ve not been here before but I’m looking forward to exploring


You are all classed as “Reality” stars, did you ever expect to end up where you are?

B – No, I’ve been a tour operator for over 30 years.  Then Coach Trip came along.  I’ve been on there for 10 years and we get 2.2 million viewers.  I’m very grateful for all the new opportunities.

N – No, I didn’t expect to get through the first audition for X-Factor never mind come 4th.  It all just snowballed.

A – No, I thought it would be fun, but it’s been an incredible journey


Would you ever do any other “Reality” shows?

B – I’ve been offered a few things but I owe so much to Coach Trip that will always come first

N – I’m a vegetarian so I wouldn’t like to do I’m a Celebrity, but maybe Big Brother or Strictly

A – I’m not sure Pudsey would enjoy the jungle, but we could do some serious dance moves on Strictly


Have you been done Panto before?

B – Yes, a few times now.  I love it, meeting with the families and having fun

N – Yes, I’ve done loads.  I really enjoy it

A – Yes, this is the first time I’ve been CInderella, I’ve been Alice in Dick Whittington for the last few years


So, would you like to play a baddie rather than a goodie?

B – I was a Herman The Henchman once but I think I enjoy the cheers and not the boo’s

N – I’ve done both and I really enjoy being both a goodie and a baddie

A – I’m not sure, I think Pudsey is too cute to be evil


What are you planning to do in your time off from the show?

B – I want to vist the Railway Museum, and I plan on exploring the countryside around here, and fish and chips in Whitby.

N – I’m going to see my friends.  And my plan is to swim everyday.  I’m going to get up early and go to the Dolphin Centre every day

A – Eat, sleep and take Pudsey for long walks


What can you tell us about Cinderella?

B – It’s going to be brilliant, we have all met today and we are going to get along brilliantly.  

N – Its classic pantomime and you’ll be in for a treat of a show

A – Fabulous fun for all the family, you’ll be daft to miss it


Cinderella runs at Darlington Civic Theatre from Saturday 5 December 2015 to Sunday 10 January 2016. For tickets and more information visit or call 01325 486555