La Revue en Rose Review

Waterloo East Theatre Fridays until 16th March.  Reviewed by Claire Roderick


Planning your own funeral is taken to the next level in Tempest Rose’s spectacular burlesque show. Tempest Rose is hosting her own wake every Friday throughout the Vault Festival, and this is one congregation you want to be a part of.

Filing into the theatre, and handed the order of service, the open coffin and the portrait of the deceased strike a sombre tone, until you realise exactly what tunes the organ is playing, and are instructed to stand for the opening hymn – a George Michael classic!

Structured like a legitimate funeral, with guest stars performing instead of eulogising, this is a clever, life-affirming and thoughtful show, with lots of filthy fun. Last night saw Trixie Kixx giving Catholics heart attacks, Storm Hooper stunning with her hula hoop tricks and Bootsy Belafonte performing one of the most brilliantly bizarre and topical routines imaginable as Ariel the little mermaid.

Tempest Rose hosts with impeccably wicked panache, charming and terrifying the audience in equal measure – her Gypsy routine, echoing Gypsy Rose Lee’s strip with a modern take on female empowerment and sexuality is fantastic and inspiring – and she can belt out a tune too.

Audience participation is obligatory, whether it’s joining in with the “hymns”, or sorting out Tempest Rose’s will – a mass pass the parcel game that proves that grown ups just can’t play nicely.

If you’re looking for a fantastic night out, then this feel-good funeral is a must see. You’ll leave singing, dancing… and trying to choose your own burlesque name.