Jerry’s Girls Review

Menier Chocolate Factory – until 29 June 2024

Reviewed by Claire Roderick


Jerry Herman’s enormous and unforgettable contribution to musical theatre is celebrated in this energetic and fun revue show, first staged on Broadway in 1985. Herman’s greatest hits are galloped through in this joyous show, first conceived by Larry Alford, Wayne Cilento and Herman.

The concept is simple – three female performers perform the Herman hit parade – and director Hannah Chissick embraces the concept with aplomb. We see the “girls” backstage preparing for the performance, and a red curtain sweeps across the stage to mark their actual “performance.” With no script, the passages between songs are filled with silent vignettes allowing glimpses into the women’s lives, loves and relationships with each other. Paul Farnsworth’s set design allows the audience to see the cast interacting or watching each other in the wings as another performs in front of the curtain.

With songs from Hello, Dolly!, Mame, Mack & Mabel, La Cage Aux Folles, A Day in Hollywood, Milk and Honey, Dear World and Parade, there are some incredible numbers in this show that will be familiar and loved by musical theatre fans. Broadly speaking, the performances “backstage” are more intimate and truthful, while the big belting numbers are performed – and sometimes oversold with a knowing wink – “onstage” with Matt Cole’s cheerful choreography. This helps establish the women’s personalities simply and subtly. The show ends with a roll call song reminding us of the incredible women who have sung these songs before.

I think Jerry would approve of this latest set of his girls. Cassidy Janson exudes soulful passion, impish humour and lets rip brilliantly when belting is needed, Jessica Martin is a wonderful mix of toughness and jaded fragility, and Julie Yammanee plays the ingenue role beautifully. Their harmonies are flawless and energy boundless – a wonderful trio of talents.

You’ll leave the theatre smiling and humming. A must-see for musical theatre lovers, and a wonderful introduction to Jerry Herman’s songbook for the uninitiated, Jerry’s Girls is a fun and uplifting show with stellar performances.