The Playhouse, Leeds – 18th March 2023
Reviewed by Sal E Marino
I’m Muslamic Don’t Panik, performed at the Playhouse (Leeds), had an atmosphere of warmth, intimacy and intrigue that struck you as soon as you walked through the stage doors. What were those colourful, exotic looking artifacts on the set and why was a baseball cap sat amongst them? Furthermore, curiosity and intrigue built when Bobak Campion entered the stage, coming down the stairs, reciting words with such soulful and rich tones. The movements that followed presented like those that were part of a ritual, it felt deep but then without warning, Bobak embodied ‘quirky character’ and started to have some banter with the audience. He was instantly likable – one of those special people who can get on with anyone and he made everyone laugh quickly and heartily.
Throughout the performance Bobak engaged in a variety of conversations, with himself, as he flipped in and out of different characterisations of people from his past. These snippets and insights of his childhood, teenage and young, adult-life helped weave together an understanding of the man -Boback – his journey and how the fusion of cultures he was part of had shaped him.
What became clear was that whatever challenges Bobak had faced in his life – humour, music and dance were mediums within which he found acceptance and peace. I think that’s true of all people if we’re fortunate enough to recognise that prejudice and hatred don’t stand up to those big hitters – the arts and laughter can break down barriers and nourish the heart; we need to experience them more!
The standout part for me was when Bobak went to Iran, his mother’s birthplace, and to his delight and total surprise he found other young people just like him – ‘bust-in-moves’ on the hip-hop / break dancing scene. Needless to say, his new friends became part of his soul family, and the bond remains all these years later. Marie ‘Petit Filou’ France and Shazad, along with Bobak, gave us a small rendition of those times and created a ‘wow’ energy that rippled right through the audience. It was awesome and took me back down memory lane to when young people used to break dance at our local youth clubs. I’d love to watch these three perform again and for longer as they have such extraordinary talent and there is a unique rawness that street dance has that can only be described as electrifying as it elevates one’s mood.
It’s hard to describe this show, you just need to go and experience it! You might be a bit confused at times, but you don’t need to think – just feel – and immerse yourself in Bobak’s world, it will enliven and educate you.