High Society

The Mill, Sonning – until 20th January 2024

Reviewed by Marcia Spiers


Directed by Joe Pitcher

One cannot help being totally absorbed in the music of Cole Porter. The songs are just so brilliant and ingrained in my brain – I can never tire of them. High Society is indeed a very uplifting show, just the job for a dreary old December afternoon.

Set in 1958 it is a story about class and how individuals no matter their background put on a persona to the world not wishing to reveal who they truly are. Families covering up secrets and pretending that everything is all perfect in a less than perfect world. The focus being a society ball, a mixed bag of guests. Then add a far few drinks and light the touch paper.

Matt Blaker was an excellent choice for Dexter Haven paired alongside Victoria Serra as Tracy Lord (who had a lovely voice) the beautiful woman who just could not make up her mind what she wanted in life. Her perfect world is turned upside down when she discovers her father has been having an affair and when her mother played by Heather Jackson decides to forgive his transgressions, she is less than pleased. Then she finds out that the story will hit the papers and she must find a way of covering it up.

Laura Tyler (Liz Imbrie) and Matthew Jeans (Mike Connor) worked well together as the bogus reporters, with great chemistry and voices to match. Will Richardson gave an impressive performance as the predictable, safe George Kitteridge the polar opposite to the smooth and adventure seeking Dexter Haven.

There were notable performances from Kurt Kansley as the lovable fun Uncle Willie and from Katlo who played the feisty little sister Dinah Lord who liked to meddle in her sister’s love life and ensure that things work out to her satisfaction.

The singing was fabulous, the big numbers delivered with gusto and the solos poignant. All the dancing was excellent and how they all managed to move around what is quite a small area without crashing into each other or tripping over props I do not know. I loved the flamboyant, glamorous costumes and the wonderful attention to the hair styles of that time.

I thoroughly enjoyed this show and would recommend it if you need cheering up between now and the middle of January. Let’s face it this time of year we need all the help we can get!