Ghost Stories Review

New Victoria Theatre, Woking – until 1 February 2020

Reviewed by Becky Doyle


Wow. What a brilliantly intense hour and a half. I really wasn’t certain what this show was going to be like and whether it would really be for me… but from the moment that Joshua Higgot (Professor Goodman) came on the stage to teach us about varying ghost encounters I, and the rest of the audience was hooked.

The three differing stories were diverse and kept you engaged, although you knew there were going to be shocks, jumps and screams each time the intensity increased, and the jumps got louder. Each story believable in its own right, led you into a false sense on story telling.

The stage and the formatting basic but effective and nothing more was needed. Some of the props left a little detail to be desired however, with or without detail it still created the fear and dramatics that were intended and so little matter was it that some of the props such as the doll in the first story were basic to say the least.

All characters (Gus Gordon, Paul Hawkyard and Richard Sutton) performed their parts brilliantly and again each created and added to the sense of storytelling. It wasn’t until the end that you realised exactly who and what they were, and bravo to the all involved that the big reveal was something that never crossed my mind throughout the performance. There was no interval in the performance which I think was well suited as it gave no time to think or discuss the possible outcomes or “what ifs”.

Overall this performance was one that had me on the edge of my seat and one that I would highly recommend; if you think you’re brave enough!