Elf the Musical Review

Ossett Town Hall, Wakefield – until Sunday 17th December 2023

Reviewed by Lauren Fordham


On Thursday I had the pleasure of seeing Elf the Musical by Diva Productions. 

The show started very similarly to how a film does, with a screen showing credits naming key contributors to the show, thus creating a melding effect between movie and musical. This both drew me in and intrigued me and was a very unique and effective way of referencing the 2003 film and yet drawing the viewer into the onstage action as well. I loved how the lit Christmas trees bookending the stage, which on entering, I had thought simply to be a feature of the hall, were another tool to draw the audience into the story as Jovie is decorating them when Buddy meets her in the New York Macys store.

In cast terms, the shining star of the show is undoubtedly Michael Markey’s Buddy, who has boundless enthusiasm, a beautiful voice and brings to the show a bouncy demeanour that reminded me of Disney’s Olaf – should he choose to ‘migrate’ in his next role I can see a place for him in Frozen in the West End.

Credit is also to Charlie Scholes as Michael, Buddy’s brother, who evokes sympathy when he is ignored by his stressed and self-centred dad, Walter (Jonny Landels). I also loved the reconnection and childlike joy shared by Michael and his mom, Emily (Helena Hunter) as they witness Santa flying outside their window – another triumph of Lighting Designer Adam Moore and Video Screen  Designer Andrew Ashley.

The screen and lighting was used masterfully throughout the show to indicate different locations, from the warmly red-lit Santa’s workshop, movement and the speeding of time when it showed Buddy’s journey from the icy North Pole to the bustle of New York City. Those skilful production choices came from and clearly highlighted Diva Productions’ co-founder and ‘Elf’ Video and Screen Designer Andy Ashley’s professional background in photography, scenic projection and film. This made the stage, and indeed the show, feel so much bigger, sleeker and better than a regional production, in fact I felt it more absorbing and engrossing than the West End production I saw in December last year. Ready your sleighs and your elves to catch it before it flies back to the North Pole on Sunday 17th December, or you’ll be on the naughty list!