Doctor Who stars to perform alongside Colin Baker and Terry Molloy in The Hound of the Baskervilles live on stage

Doctor Who stars to perform alongside Colin
Baker and Terry Molloy in The Hound of the
live on stage
UK Tour: March – May 2024

Bringing mystery to the moors in spring 2024, Crime and Comedy Theatre Company’s The Hound of the Baskervilles have announced three additional cast members across select performances. Doctor Who stars Nicola Bryant (Doctor Who, BBC; Blackadder’s Christmas Carol, BBC), Rosie Baker (Doctor Who, Big Finish Productions; Torchwood, Big Finish Productions) and Katy Manning (Doctor Who, BBC; Man At The Top, ITV; Torchwood, Big Finish Productions) join this radio-play-on-stage telling the classic Holmes mystery. They join the previously announced Colin Baker (Doctor Who, BBC; The Brothers, BBC), Terry Molloy (The Archers, BBC Radio 4; Doctor Who, BBC) and Dee Sadler (No Place Like Home, BBC; All Creatures Great and Small, BBC).

Nicola Bryant is best known for playing Doctor Who companion Peri, alongside Colin Baker’s Sixth Doctor and facing Terry Molloy’s villainous Davros, and will be performing alongside Baker, Molloy and Sadler for performances at the Theatre Royal Winchester on Tuesday 12th and Wednesday 13th March. Rosie Baker, known for her audio work with Big Finish Productions, will be playing opposite her father Colin for performances at multiple venues from Wednesday 20th March to Sunday 24th March, then Monday 22nd April to Tuesday 30th April. Katy Manning, with a well acclaimed and diverse career over stage, TV, radio, and film, will be reuniting with Colin Baker after their performance together in Odd Man In, playing Laura Lyons for the performance at The Radlett Centre on Wednesday 1st May.

Rosie Baker comments, Watching my dad on stage as a child introduced me to the magic of theatre and now to join him up there is beyond special – little Rosie wouldn’t believe her luck!

Katy Manning comments, What an absolute delight to be asked to join my dear friends Colin Baker, Dee Sadler and Terry Molloy in the radio stage production of The Hound Of The Baskervilles…It will be a first with Terry Molloy and Dee Sadler so that will be a real treat too. I stopped doing theatre a few years ago in favour of film audio and TV, so it will be very exciting to dip my toes into the theatre waters once again, for The Crime And Comedy Theatre Company.

The cast is completed by Kate Ashmead (The Importance of Being Earnest, Palchetto Stage; Educating Rita, Regent Theatre) as Mrs Barrymore and Martin Parsons (Doctor Who, Big Finish; Eric Chappell’s Ground Rules, UK Tour) as Jack Stapleton.

The setting is a radio studio, the actors ready as if for a radio broadcast, and the sound effects created live on stage, all combining to transport the audience from Baker Street to Dartmoor, as this tale of murder, mystery and horror is brought to life. A rare chance to see these popular actors live at your local theatre, this is a play not to be missed.

Nicola Bryant comments, I am so looking forward to being on stage with my dear old friends Colin Baker and Terry Molloy. Colin and I played Buttons and Cinderella respectively, in pantomime together, some forty years ago. But I think this is going to be very special.

I adore working in the theatre. Being on stage has such immediacy, the audience is right there, you hear their reaction, you can feel their tension and that gives the actor such a buzz. To have all of that and to be performing in The Hound of the Baskervilles, with great friends who are also such wonderful and experienced actors, I know we are all going to have so much fun.

Previous praise for The Hound of the Baskervilles:

Colin Baker was born to be Sherlock Holmes, Terry Molloy is my favourite Dr Watson to date. A phenomenal evening at the theatre, I can’t recommend this play enough! – ★★★★★ Entertainment Views

Colin Baker & Terry Molloy have terrific stage presence & their interactions sparkle – one not to miss! – ★★★★★ Cult Box

An immensely entertaining evening – ★★★★ West End Best Friend

Holmes & Watson at their best! – ★★★★ Sadie Takes The Stage

A well-judged production in every sense… a howling success! – ★★★★ Be My Guest

A master class in razor-sharp interplay – Henley Standard