Darlington Civic Theatre- Panto Roadshow

Civic-Theatre-Hi-Res-Logo-1-117x300The Panto came early to Harrowgate Hill Primary School in Darlington with a special educational Roadshow.


A Pantomime Roadshow was held at Harrowgate Hill Primary School in preparation for Cinderella at Darlington Civic Theatre from Saturday 5 December to Sunday 10 January.

This special Panto Roadshow tours schools with an educational programme introducing children to the magic of live theatre and especially Pantomime. Run by Nigel Allacott the session was aimed at Key Stage Two Primary children and offered what may be the first experience of theatre to pupils in a comedy performance that was both entertaining and educational.

IMG_0565Nigel said “The aim in touring these roadshows is to encourage children to make that first contact with their local theatre, and to entertain and educate them in the history, traditions and enjoyment that can be gained by doing so. This is, after all the audience of the future”.

The first part of the show involved a comedy and interactive performance lasting 40 minutes, and after a short break the second part involved showing the children costumes and props from actual productions, allowing some children and staff to dress up in various costumes, IMG_0558and ended with a lively question and answer session.

Cinderella is at Darlington Civic Theatre from Saturday 5 December to Sunday 10 January.

To book contact the Box Office on 01325 486 555 or visit www.darlingtoncivic.co.uk