Darlington ArtsSpark students to showcase their dancing and theatre skills in a special, one-off performance at Darlington Civic Theatre on Tuesday 14 July.
Darlington Civic Theatre’s youth dance and drama group, ArtsSpark will be celebrating the best of their young performers when they present a special one-off performance.
Young people aged seven and over will be taking part in the event, to share work that they have created during their Youth Theatre and dance sessions throughout the year.
It promises to be a fun and exciting evening of performances with eighty young people taking part under the direction of the ArtsSpark tutor team.
ArtsSpark youth sessions provide a safe, welcoming environment for young people to create, explore and participate in quality theatre activity leading to regular performances such as this special showcase.
The ArtsSpark Showcase is at Darlington Civic Theatre on Tuesday 14 July. Tickets are £4, discounts £2
To book contact the Box Office on 01325 486 555 or visit www.darlingtoncivic.co.uk