Come From Away Review

Mayflower Theatre, Southampton – until 20th April 2024

Reviewed by Lucy Hitchcock


Directly from the West End, this superb production has come to Southampton.

Based on the truly harrowing events of 9/11, we find ourselves in Gander-a remote island just off of North America. It was here, that 38 planes were forced to land when the US airspace closed and here, our story is set. Depicting the miraculous bravery, community spirit, love and outpouring emotion, ‘Come From Away’ will truly restore your faith in humanity.

The cast, were stellar. With each cast member playing multiple roles, you would think it hard to be able to decipher who you were seeing on stage – but this is far from difficult. From fabulous accents and immensely quick costume changes, the production ran so seamlessly, that it was hard not to be totally immersed. The cast absolutely sold every moment – with excellent vocals throughout. This show leaves hardly any room for you to clap and show your appreciation for the songs and there was one moment when, after ‘Screech in’, that the audience were clapping for minutes – which was beautiful to see. Arguably, the most ‘singable’ song of the show came from Sara Poyzer, with ‘Me and The Sky’. This was fabulously sung and ever so aptly accompanied by sniffles and muffled cries from the audience. From the very first song, I was crying throughout – purely down to the subject matter and the impeccable performances.

In keeping with the community spirit displayed during Come From Away, the Mayflower are collecting donations for the food banks which are situated in the foyer – these were overflowing by the end of the show, so please donate if you are able to do so. I couldn’t have asked for a better evening watching ‘Come From Away’ and would urge you all to take the plunge, kiss the fish and be welcomed to the Rock!!!!