Bonnie and Clyde Review

Live streamed

Reviewed by Lucy Hitchcock


©The Other Richard

Having been devastated at the early closure of this fabulous show, I was so excited to hear there was a live streamed version. Filmed directly from the West End, it was a joy to see a different cast to the tour version. Jeremy Jordan and Frances Mayli McCann as the main characters and driving force of this wonderful streaming are superb. 

We follow the life and death of Bonnie and Clyde, one which I was not familiar with before this show and I have certainly been researching the lives of these outlaws-this show sticks to their story impeccably. Jordan and McCann have the perfect collaborative acting styles, easily melting into each other through times of trouble, stress and love. Vocally, they are exquisite and truly match the characters story perfectly. The songs lend themselves beautifully to both Jordan and McCann and are sung in such a way that intices you in, drawing you further into the storyline until you are so engrossed that you can almost feel the gunshots. I was in tears by the end of the show-an absolute testament to the cast’s performances. 

One lovely thing about having a live version, is that I got to see more of the choral interactions and it almost heightened the show for me. There is something special about live theatre, but when it is a show you thoroughly enjoy, you feel even more connected. There is not a foot wrong in this streaming of the show-harmonies are spot on, casting is excellent and the stand out moment for me is McCann’s version of ‘Dyin’ ain’t so bad’. She has the most expressive sound when she sings, that it matches the lyrics perfectly. 

I wouldn’t hesitate to download this show and if you missed it on tour, this is the best way to see it. For only £13, Bonnie and Clyde are certainly not robbing you-unlike some of their victims!!