Theatre Together, a new collective of over 50 artists and professionals, today announce All the Web’s a Stagean online event featuring a variety of live performances to raise money for those in the arts facing hardship as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic.The event takes place on Shakespeare Day, 23 April, a date marked to celebrate the Bard and the performing arts.

The event will feature a curated programme across a variety of live performance disciplines such as cabaret, comedy, dance and theatre. Those taking part include Danny MacTom MilnerJodie Prenger and La Voix. Further participants and programme details to be announced.

Performances will be streamed live throughout the day on Thursday 23 April. Audiences will be able to watch for free, with the opportunity to donate to those in the performing arts in need. Further details on streaming platforms and the charities being supported will be announced shortly.

Danny Mac said today, At this moment of worldwide crisis, many of our colleagues in the arts are facing severe hardships as their jobs literally disappear. It’s so important the industry comes together to support each other, and this feels such a fitting way to raise money for those in need and allow audiences to continue enjoying live performance.”

Paul Virides, co-producer of All the Web’s a Stage, added, Our world faces unprecedented times, and we in the arts are facing huge challenges, with the CIF indicating today that 47% of freelancers in the arts have lost 100% of their booked gigs. Across the UK artists have been coming up with ingenious ways to stay connected and support each other during this time. The 23 April has long been a significant day in the theatre world to celebrate the life of Shakespeare. His quote that ‘all the world’s a stage,’ when we can’t access our own stages, has never felt more resonant in our lifetimes. In 1661, 23 April also marked the beginning of the Restoration of theatres in Britain: the end of the last time we were forced to close for a prolonged period of time. So it feels the perfect date to come together to celebrate live performance and raise money for our colleagues struggling at this critical time.”

For artists or other professionals interested in taking part please contact: [email protected]


Twitter:                @TheatreTogether

Facebook:           /TheatreTogether

Instagram:          @theatre_together

Theatre Together is a new collective of industry professionals from a variety of disciplines coming together in these hard times. To-date, participants include representatives from ANRPR, Debbie Hicks Productions, Harry Blumenau Casting, Hartshorn-Hook Productions, Infinity Technical Management, IAMarketing, Iris Theatre, LIVR, Metal Rabbit Productions, Paul Virides Productions, Relish Theatre, RJG Productions, and Target-Live, as well as a variety of freelance artists.

Creative Quarantine with Nonsuch Studios

I’m sure like me, you’re already freaking out at the idea of staying inside for the foreseeable. I wanted to share a really lovely initiative from Nonsuch studios, who are launching Creative Quarantine, which is a daily email newsletter sent around the world with exciting creative tasks and adventures for the coronavirus lockdown period, for adults and children alike. I thought it could be a nice story for you.

As we all suddenly find ourselves with lots of time on our hands, we’re cooking up some exciting and enjoyable creative adventures for those young and old across the globe to enjoy together. –

The adventures begin on Monday 23rd March so sign up, get set and prepare to get creative!

Everyday will have a new creative theme with two creative tasks (one for children & families, and another for adults) they’ll range from the traditional to the weird and wonderful with each day hosted by different artists. 

Creative Quarantine is led by the team at Nonsuch Studios, a theatre and venue in Nottingham that has had to shut its doors due to the government’s advice on non-essential public gatherings. As an unfunded venue with no-core grant or subsidy, Nonsuch, like many other creatives and freelancers across the UK are now on the brink of losing a number of month’s work with over £50,000 worth of bookings, ticket sales and activities gone over night. 

But instead of sitting back and doing nothing, Nonsuch want to bring artists and the people of the world together through exciting creative activities to keep us busy and help us distract ourselves from the boredom that’s on the horizon. 

What’s more, by working with other artists, creatives and freelancers Creative Quarantine will set to raise funds to support those financially effected by the current situation.

Edward Boott – Artistic Director & CEO:

“We’re naturally very anxious and worried about the months ahead, but as creatives and artists we know we’re needed more than ever in this very stressful time. So, we’re going to channel our efforts to have some fun.”

“We’re planning speed challenges, team games, mindfulness activities and more. Children’s tasks will try and engage some educational activities, whilst tasks will adults will try and keep everyone’s mind of the situation at hand.”

“The Bunker Beauty School will help people feel fabulous at home, and we’ll be asking everyone to start saving the toilet roll tubes for a massive Art Attack like no other!”

Greenwich+Docklands International Festival to go ahead in 2020 – New dates announced in response to Covid-19

Greenwich+Docklands International Festival to go ahead in 2020

New dates announced in response to Covid-19

FESTIVAL.ORG, the organisation behind the annual Greenwich+Docklands International Festival (GDIF) today announces new dates for this year’s 25th edition of the Festival, in response to Covid-19. Based on latest government advice, discussions with local authorities, partners, funders and artiststhe Festival is currently being rescheduled to take place from Friday 28 August – Saturday 12 September.

Artistic Director, Bradley Hemmings today said, “The welfare of artists, staff, and audiences at GDIF is paramount. With current projections that the peak of the Covid-19 epidemic in the UK is likely to coincide with the intense participation and rehearsal period in the lead up to our traditional June dates, we’ve taken the difficult decision to move this year’s Festival to the end of the summer. At a time when social distancing is keeping us safe, we want our audiences to know that we’re planning towards a time when we can once again be together and share the very best of free outdoor theatre and performing arts. I’m very grateful to our funders and supporters who continue to commit their support to the Festival in these difficult times”.

Councillor Danny Thorpe, Leader of the Royal Borough of Greenwich said today, “Greenwich+Docklands International Festival has been a part of life in Greenwich and East London for almost a quarter of a century. The next days, weeks and months are going to be lonely ones for many of us and the challenge of what lies ahead is unquantifiable. But, as difficult as it is now, it will get better. And it will end. Knowing that GDIF is there, as a distant friend, waiting to help us make sense of it all, is incredibly reassuring. And we’re going to need it more than ever”.

Over the coming weeks, keep up to date with programme announcements and stay creatively connected through the GDIF website and social media channels. The team will be posting updates on engagement projects, creative challenges, and providing a platform for communities to connect in these difficult times.

Twitter: @GDIFestival

Instagram: @GDIFestival

Facebook: @GDIFestival  

Eugenius! available on line in aid of Acting For Others


With the theatre industry in an unprecedented position and venues closed across the UK due to the COVID – 19 outbreak, industry leaders are creatively seeking ways to support theatre and bring it directly to you – at home. Following their hugely popular run at the Other Palace in 2018, the out-of-this-world British musical Eugenius! will release the full archive footage of the show online on Friday 20th March at 7pm in order to raisemoney for Acting for Others and provide some much-needed relief to those self-isolating.

The writers Ben Adams and Chris Wilkins say “THEY CAN’T STOP US, WE’RE A TEAM!…. as shows close across the globe and people are forced to stay at home, there’s never been a more important time to bring the joy of live theatre right to your doorstep! Unlike some other shows that have recordings intended for release this was never intended to be seen BUT as the cast are incredible, the music rocks and it still delivers the same heart felt story and feel good factor that audiences took away with them when they saw the show live, we thought you should see it anyway!  Team Eugenius thanks you in advance for all your support  – Go Hygienius! Go Hygiene!”

Eugenius!, with Book, Music and Lyrics by Ben Adams and Chris Wilkins, is the story of Eugene, a teenage boy whose nightly dreams of a distant world of heroes and villains could be the ticket to him creating his very own comic book movie in Hollywood. Joined on his amazing adventures by best friends Janey and Feris, our comic writing genius finds the superhero within, saves the world from earthbound villains – and those from distant galaxies – and along the way, falls in love!

All cast and the creative team of Eugenius! have kindly given their permission to publish this archive footage.  Cast includes Mark Hamill, Laura Baldwin, Daniel Buckley, Scott Paige, Alison Arnopp, Rob Houchen, Neil McDermott, Emily Tierney, Alex Bourne, Simon Thomas, Christopher Ragland, Tom Senior, Titus Rowe, Alex Tranter, Ben Darcy, Dilllon Scott-Lewis, Lauren Cancannon, Amy West, Sasha Wareham and Brian Blessed. Writers Chris Wilkins and Ben Adams, Ian Talbot (Director), Michael Jibson (Creative Consultant) Anthony Houghton (Assistant Director), Stuart Morely (Musical Supervisor) Darren Lord (Musical Director), Aaron Renfree (Choreographer). Andrew Ellis (Lighting Design) Hannah Wolfe (Costume and Set Design), Dan Samson (Sound Design) Jim Arnold CDG (Casting Director) and producers Warwick Davis, Kevin Wood and George Wood.

So do yourself a favour, find the largest screen you have, turn up the volume and forget about life for a while… and when you’ve done that, ‘rewind the tape’ and go back and watch it again!  But please support us and click the donate button to give whatever you can to Acting For Others who offer financial and emotional support to all theatre workers in times of need.

To watch Eugenius!  Visit Facebook @Eugeniousthemusical from 7pm On Friday 20th March

New Vic Theatre anounces changes to future programming



The New Vic Theatre has taken the decision to reschedule some of their programme of future events up until the 28 April.

Also, The Company of Wolves, originally due to take place between Wednesday 21 May – Saturday 13 June this year, involved a number of international artists who were due to perform, and a number of creative team members who regularly work internationally. Due to the restrictions placed on international travel and the current advice regarding public events, to ensure the safety of audiences and of the company involved in creating the piece, the theatre will now stage this ambitious production in 2021.

The theatre has considered its spring/summer programme and have taken steps to reschedule productions and events to other dates, where they have been able to.

David Graham Productions’ Eric’s Full Monty, has been rescheduled to take place from Tuesday 26 May – Saturday 6 June.

The theatre’s one-night concert programme up to the end of April has been rescheduled for later dates.

Following discussions the theatre now has plans to reschedule performances of The 39 Steps to a future date.

Fiona Wallace, Managing Director of the New Vic said: “We find ourselves in exceptional circumstances. Following guidance from the government and UK Theatre, the industry body for theatre, after some consideration we have taken the decision to reschedule a number of our programmed events. We want to ensure the safety of our artists, staff and audiences, and also deliver the quality of work we take pride in creating, and that our audiences expect from us. We will continue to closely monitor the situation and follow recommendations from the relevant authorities regarding our forthcoming programme. Many people are donating the cost of their tickets to the theatre’s fundraising campaign and this type of support is vital for the success of theatreWe are really grateful for the support theatregoers are showing for the New Vic and I extend my thanks to them.”

Customers do not need to call the theatre as the New Vic Box Office team are in the process of contacting all customers who have booked for any of the events that have been rescheduled. For further updates on the New Vic’s forthcoming programme, visit



Papatango Theatre Company announces a series of initiatives to encourage creativity and facilitate the enjoyment of new writing in the face of theatre closures across the country. These initiatives include open commissions for monologues through Isolated But Open Commissions, the free circulation of 60 new play texts via the Paptango Mobile Library, and free advice on Arts Council applications.

The initiatives come while the future of Papatango’s West End premiere, the transfer of their acclaimed 2019 production of Samuel Bailey’s Shook to Trafalgar Studios which is scheduled to run from 8 April – 9 May, is uncertain. Despite this, Artistic Director George Turvey and Executive Director Chris Foxon today said, “Papatango’s motto is All You Need Is A Story. That is true now more than ever, and we feel an obligation to put all the resources we can into supporting artists and audiences who may be facing even more challenging circumstances. We are working on more initiatives to be announced in the coming days. We know how hard it is to be creative when things are so uncertain and so stressful. These informal, open commissions, alongside the Mobile Library scheme, are intended to inspire people to tell their stories and enable everyone to enjoy fresh new writing, even if getting to a theatre is no longer possible. We can’t wait to read, cast and watch them.”

Isolated But Open Commissions will commission ten five minute monologues, and then cast ten actors to self-film those monologues – each playwright and actor will be paid £100. Papatango will then share these films online for free, so that everyone, wherever they may be, can enjoy new writing. The deadline for submissions is 31 March at midnight. To share a monologue, please visit

To continue the work of their physical bookshop, which in normal circumstances helps fund their free playwriting workshops in state schools, Papatango have introduced the free Papatango Mobile Library. Using the hashtag #PTLibrary, twenty people were chosen on a first-come-first-served basis to receive a package of three plays on the understanding that once these have been read, the recipients will use the hashtag to find a new person to send them on to, and so on. This puts 60 plays into circulation for free. If anyone has any issues meeting the costs of the P&P required to post the books on, Papatango will help.

Papatango also reiterate their commitment to offering free advice to creatives, with their fortnightly 1:1 advice service continuing as usual. The confidential one-to-one live chats take place every other Thursday (10am-12pm) at Executive Director Chris Foxon also announced an open offer to help advise on Arts Council applications, for those who are seeking the support and refocused grant programmes that ACE are offering.

Update on future events at Royal & Derngate and Northampton Filmhouse

Update on future events at Royal & Derngate and Northampton Filmhouse

Following the most current government advice, issued on Monday 16 March in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have taken the difficult but necessary decision to suspend all public performances, screenings and community activities at Royal & Derngate and Northampton Filmhouse until Sunday 10 May. Our building will not be open to the public during this time.

Our team are working incredibly hard with visiting promoters, producing partners and stakeholders to understand the impact on our programme and the many individuals and organisations we work with. It is a complex and fast moving situation, as you can imagine, but the safety of our audiences and the people we work with is our number one priority.

We will be in contact with all ticket holders directly to explain the position regarding their tickets.

Where possible we will try to reschedule postponed Royal & Derngate shows for later in the year and all tickets will automatically be valid for these future performances.

Customers who have tickets for a performance or Northampton Filmhouse screening that we are unable to reschedule will automatically be issued with a credit note/gift voucher to the value of the tickets purchased.

If customers are unable to attend on a rescheduled date or prefer a full refund, our Box Office will make the necessary arrangements. We will be regularly updating a newly created Coronavirus page on our website with details of all shows that fall into this time of closure.

Please do bear with us. Our Box Office team is brilliant and are working in very challenging circumstances. They have to go about this process systematically and as such it will potentially take a considerable amount of time to contact hundreds of customers.

We can’t tell you how grateful we are for all the support we’ve received from those who have reached out personally or shared messages of solidarity online in the last few days.

There is no doubt that COVID-19 will have a significant impact on Royal & Derngate and our industry more broadly. We are working tirelessly to minimise this impact, but the full path ahead is uncertain. If you are in a position to consider doing so, we are inviting customers to make a small donation or donate the value of their purchased tickets to the theatre, to help us through this difficult period. More than 85% of our income comes from ticket and bar sales and so securing this kind of support is an extremely important part of our ability, as a charity, to plan for the future. Customers can donate online or can advise a member of the Box Office team to change their credit to a donation when they are contacted about their tickets. We don’t underestimate the significant impact the current situation is having on all our customers so are grateful for all and any support received.

For information, beyond Northampton, all touring performances of our Made in Northampton co-productions of Alone in Berlin, The Last of the Pelican Daughters, Holes and Wuthering Heights will also cease until further notice. 

Thanks for bearing with us. We can’t wait to throw open these doors again and start welcoming you all back to Royal & Derngate as soon as it is safe to do so. In the meantime, do follow us online or via our social media platforms for updates. 

Jo Gordon, Chief Executive & James Dacre, Artistic Director

Royal & Derngate

Norfolk & Norwich Festival announces cancellation of 2020’s Festival due to take place Friday 8 to Sunday 24 May

Norfolk & Norwich Festival announces cancellation of 2020’s Festival due to take place Friday 8 to Sunday 24 May.

Today Norfolk & Norwich Festival has announced the cancellation of the 2020 Festival. Following Government advice on Monday 16 March and to protect the safety of audiences, artists and workforce the Norfolk & Norwich Festival Trust has decided not to proceed with the Festival.

Norfolk & Norwich Festival, which is approaching its 250th year in 2022, was scheduled to take place from 8-24 May. It usually attracts more than 85,000 visitors to theatres, venues and galleries around Norwich and across Norfolk, with a wide programme of free and ticketed events.

The Festival’s Artistic Director and Chief Executive, Daniel Brine said “It is with great sadness and disappointment that we will not proceed with this year’s Norwich & Norfolk Festival. We have listened to advice from the government and consulted with stakeholders, partners, colleagues and staff before taking this deeply regrettable but inevitable decision.

We wholeheartedly thank all staff, artists and volunteers for the hard work already put in to this year’s Festival. We deeply value our place in both the local and artistic communities and during this difficult period, we will unreservedly play our part in supporting the artistic sector. Over the coming days and weeks we will look at how we, as an Arts Council funded organisation, do the right thing by staff, artists and freelance workers.

If you have bought a ticket for a cancelled event, you are entitled to a refund, but please bear with us during this unprecedented and difficult time – we will contact you as soon as we can. We will keep audiences as up to date as possible via the Festival website, social media and email.

As a charitable organisation, we are immensely grateful for the support of our audiences, funders and sponsors. Ticket revenue, grants, sponsorship and donations are vital, and the impact of cancellation is financially significant to us. We ask that all those who value the Festival continue their support for us and work with us to ensure we are well placed to present future festivals.

Norfolk & Norwich Festival also manages Norfolk Open Studios which sees around 400 artists across the country open their studios to the public during May and June. The Festival is reviewing this initiative in light of current advice and investigating the viability of postponement until a later date.

SOLT and UK Theatre bring together leading theatrical charities as part of pan-industry coronavirus support effort

SOLT and UK Theatre bring together leading theatrical charities as part of pan-industry coronavirus support effort

On Monday, SOLT and UK Theatre held an urgent meeting of leading theatrical charities to discuss ways to provide support for members of the theatre workforce – both on and offstage – affected by the unprecedented coronavirus situation.

A microsite,, has been created as a result of the meeting, as a place to collate information and signpost useful resources. The site goes live today (Wednesday 18 March), and will continue to be updated with resources and advice, as work is on-going to help the many thousands of institutions and people affected in the industry.

The site has key information on welfare support for all in the theatre industry, including on the various 24 hour helplines that are available.

The charities involved include:

  • Acting for Others
  • Actors’ Benevolent Fund (ABF)
  • Actors’ Children’s Trust (ACT)
  • The Actors’ Church
  • Dance Professionals Fund
  • Equity Charitable Trust
  • Funds for Freelancers
  • Grand Order of Water Rats
  • Help Musicians
  • Make A Difference Trust (MAD)
  • Royal Opera House Benevolent Fund
  • Royal Theatrical Fund
  • Stage One New Producers
  • Theatre Chaplaincy UK
  • Until the Curtain Rises
  • UK Theatre

Monday’s government announcement and subsequent theatre closures left the UK theatre industry in great uncertainty, with many of its 290,000-strong workforce fearing for their jobs.  

SOLT and UK Theatre continue to lobby government for additional financial support for theatre and its workforce – which other European governments have provided – to enable the sector to get through this crisis.

In these challenging times, the theatre industry is committed to providing vital financial, mental health and wellbeing support for those facing career uncertainty, and ensuring funding is distributed as widely as possible, reaching those most in need.

Statement regarding closure of venues in response to Government advice on coronavirus

Statement regarding closure of venues in response to
Government advice on coronavirus

We would like to reassure our customers that we are closely monitoring the Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation

All performances scheduled to take place at Bradford Theatres’ venues up to and including Monday 13 April 2020 will unfortunately be cancelled or rescheduled. Ticket holders for performances during this closure period will be contacted directly by the Box Office team either by phone, email or letter with details on that specific event. Customers will be offered a full refund on their tickets where appropriate. Due to the number of performances involved it may take some time to process these refund transactions, or to respond to other enquiries, so we ask our customers to bear with us at this busy time.

From Wednesday 18 March 2020 the Bradford Theatres’ Box Office will be open daily (except Sundays) from 9am to 8pm for telephone enquiries only. In line with Government guidance we will not be opening the public Box Office counters at the Alhambra Theatre or St George’s Hall during this period of closure. Restaurant 1914 at the Alhambra Theatre and St George’s Hall Café will also be closed.

Cllr Sarah Ferriby, Bradford Council’s Executive Member for Healthy People and Places, said:
“The safety and health of our customers, visiting companies and staff is our top priority. We will continue to follow any recommendations from the relevant authorities and implement all appropriate instructions accordingly. The team at Bradford Theatres is exceedingly busy at the moment so please bear with us as we work through things at this challenging time. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their patience and understanding and hope to be able to welcome
audiences back to all our venues in the near future.”

Please keep checking the Bradford Theatres’ website and social media channels for further updates over the coming weeks.

Thank you for your support and understanding during this difficult and uncertain time. We hope you will continue to support Bradford Theatres and revisit us in the not too distant future.