And Then There Were None Review

Cambridge Arts Theatre, Cambridge – until Saturday 18th November 2023

Reviewed by Steph Lott


The stage at Cambridge Arts Theatre came alive with an air of mystery and intrigue as Agatha Christie’s timeless masterpiece, “And Then There Were None,” unfolded under the expert direction of Lucy Bailey. Starring a formidable cast, including Bob Barrett, Andrew Lancel, and David Yelland, the production proved to be a spellbinding journey into the depths of suspense and psychological drama.

Lucy Bailey’s direction was masterful, with a deep understanding of Christie’s intricate narrative. The decision to stay true to the 1930s setting on Soldier Island transported the audience to an era of dread and uncertainty, trapped in chilling claustrophobia on a remote island. Mike Britton’s set design creates a simple setting that oozes foreboding, setting the stage for the unfolding mystery.

The cast delivered stellar performances and I found Sophie Walter’s depiction of Vera Claythorne riveting. In general, the chemistry among the cast was palpable. The nuanced interactions between them, fuelled by suspicion and paranoia, were executed with a finesse that kept the audience on the edge of their seats. The cast’s ability to convey the complex web of emotions, from fear to desperation, added layers of depth to Christie’s already rich narrative.

The pacing of the production was excellent, with Bailey orchestrating a symphony of suspense that hit a crescendo at just the right moments. The gradual unravelling of the plot was handled with a meticulous touch, allowing the tension to build organically. The climactic scenes were executed with a fabulous precision.

The lighting and sound design deserve special mention for their contribution to the overall atmosphere. The play of shadows and haunting echoes heightened the psychological intensity, enveloping the audience in an immersive experience.

In conclusion, “And Then There Were None” at Cambridge Arts Theatre stands as a testament to the enduring power of Agatha Christie’s storytelling, brought to life with fantastic artistry. Lucy Bailey’s direction, coupled with exceptional performances from the cast, breathed new life into a classic, leaving the audience both enthralled and captivated. This production is not just a play; it’s a thrilling journey into the heart of suspense.