An Extra Week Added and The Pandemonium Players Announced For Mr Armando Iannucci’s PANDEMONIUM

The Pandemonium Players Announced For
Mr Armando Iannucci’s


A scornful Account of the Activities of Mr Boris Johnson and ‘Others’

during the Pandemic and its Aftermath

directed by
Mr Patrick Marber

And now playing for an extra week
Running from 1 December 2023 to 13 January 2024

at the Soho Theatre

Pandemonium is a wild account of our great leaders grappling with the Pandemic and then with each other, which, due to popular demand, will now be playing for an additional week, running until 13 January 2024 at the Soho Theatre.

The tickets for Pandemonium’s extended week will go live on Friday 27 October at 11am and will be available to buy on the Soho website.

The Pandemonium Players are Faye CastelowPaul ChahidiDebra GillettNatasha Jayetileke and Amalia Vitale.

A caustic entertainment for the winter months, Pandemonium relates the Johnson-Truss-Sunak years in all their glory. Re-live the horror. The Mess. The Murk. The Lying about the Lies.

Jingle while you mingle. It’s one big party. Bring a suitcase.

Written by Mr ArmandoIannucci, Directed by Mr Patrick Marber, Set and Costume Design by Anisha Fields, Lighting by Jackie Shemesh, Sound and Composition by Adam Cork, Movement by EJ Boyle, Associate Director Ed Madden, with Stage Management by Kate FosterKatieBachtlerZoë Mackinnon, Illustration Andy Rileyand Casting by Jacob Sparrow.

Wayward Productions in association with Soho Theatre bring Pandemonium to the stage from 1 December 2023.