Aladdin – A Genie-us Norfolk Adventure!

Norwich Theatre Royal – until 5th January 2025

Reviewed by Boo Wakefield


Once again it’s that time of year for pantomimes to come alive and entertain us all, both old and young. And the Norwich Theatre Royal production of Aladdin – A Genie-us Norfolk Adventure did not disappoint. With the theatre full of over excited children, the cast of this energetic production kept them cheering, booing and shouting out from start to finish.

Written by Richard Gauntlett and directed by Chris Cuming, this is a pantomime filled with the usual “he’s behind you” and a lot of “of yes he did!” to keep everyone amused. The storyline follows the Aladdin story with Jazz (Meesha Turner), an orphaned girl who is living with her wicked aunt Professor Bellatrix Bottomburgh (Lisa Maxwell). Jazz meets Aladdin (Tarik Frimpong) who she instantly falls for but Bellatrix does not approve. To get rid of Aladdin, Bellatrix persuades him to go into a cave to retrieve a magic lamp which she believes will give her wealth and power. She intends to leave him in the cave, having given her the lamp, but Aladdin, helped by the genie, decides to keep the lamp and thwart Bellatrix. To the delight of the young audience, good overcomes evil and love conquers all!

Widow Molly Piecrust, played by Owen Evans, is Aladdin’s mother and dame in this production entertaining everyone with many different extravagant and outrageous outfits and wigs. Joe Tracini, playing Aladdin’s brother, surprised all of us, including himself, by being the genie of the lamp! His comic timing along with his endless energy was a joy.

The ensemble of eight flipped from policemen to servants to ice dancers and party goers with ease giving us crisp dance routines (choreographed by Amy Lawrence) and rousing songs. The ensemble also moved much of the staging and props to give seamless set changes. Kirsteen Wythe takes credit for the costume designs which were original, fun and oh so sparkly!

This pantomime was played by a cast that looked like they were really enjoying themselves from start to finish (even Bellatrix when she was being evil!), who’s timing was brilliant, energy never flagged and comedy on the right level to keep both parents and children amused. This is a must for this Christmas season – oh yes it is!