A Statement from Immersive Dracula

A Statement from Immersive Dracula

Immersive Dracula is a London theatre show about complicity and wilful ignorance when powerful men are accused of dark deeds. We sold out every ticket, and then a week before opening night the coronavirus pandemic forced us to postpone.

Many of the cast have lost their second jobs because of the virus and now face food insecurity and/or housing insecurity. We are a profit-share production with no Arts Council or external support. As such, we have opened a cast hardship fund, which has already raised over £2000 in under 24 hours! It will enable us to survive and continue working on the show until the pandemic subsides and London’s theatres re-open, and we can finally have our glorious opening night.

We are a cast of 11 and will allocate the funds based on need to help pay rent, housing deposits, and living costs, and if your generosity exceeds what we need to survive then we will re-invest the remainder into making the show even more skin-crawlingly delicious!

We will also be streaming a 36 hour live reading of Gothic fiction with the cast, crew and guests on Good Friday (April 10th) – more information will be shared about the event in due course. We would love to talk about our plans, and how we’ll continue to raise funds to help our cast in this difficult time for our industry.

This is a dark time for actors everywhere, but the motto of the Dracula family is ‘Resurgemus’ – We Rise Again!

The fundraiser can be found here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/imm…