A Chorus Line Review

Curve Theatre Leicester – until 13th July 2024

Reviewed by Amerjeet Singh


A Chorus Line is a sensational production about a group of eager, intrepid dancers auditioning for a Broadway musical. They are soon whittled down to a final 8, by Zach, the director and Larry, his assistant. Claustrophobic, chaotic and extremely clever, it invites us to look beyond the glitz and glamour and see inside the performers themselves, exploring their motivations and desires and what drives them to dance. Set in 1975, New York City, on a stripped down stage, it exposes the reality of what goes on behind the curtain.

Director Nikolai Foster stayed true to the production last performed in 2021 at Curve. Focusing on the performers themselves, with close-up camera work so there was no escaping the scrutiny of the audition process and amplifying the intimacy of the performer’s stories. A wall of mirrors lined the back of the stage, reflecting the performers from every angle, and huge strip lights rose and fell for different performances highlighting key moments. Ellen Kane’s choreography is simply stunning. Solo routines are sublime, group numbers are seamlessly tight and spellbinding. Snappy, crisp and dynamic, I was mesmerised. Enhancing these elements is Howard Hudson’s sound and lighting design which complements every element of the production.

The cast as a whole are hugely talented, I would struggle to select specific stand out moments or members. I can honestly say that every number was a smash hit. All skilled dancers and performers, we were blown away with their singing and dancing. Their renditions of the numbers will stay with you long after the curtain goes down and their passion for the stories was clear to see and feel from the performance. The only moments which felt slightly off was between Zach and Cassie. These were hurried and lacked light and dark. But this did not take away from a superb performance overall.

This production of A Chorus Line is full of heart. Passionate and powerful with a flawless finale, it will take your breath away. It will leave you tingling and no doubt your toes tapping.