The Rocky Horror Show is a vibrant cult musical that first delighted audiences in 1973, crafted by Richard O’Brien. It was later transformed into the iconic 1975 film, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, featuring O’Brien as Riff Raff and Tim Curry as Frank-N-Furter. This film holds the record for the longest-running release in cinema history!
Since its original production, The Rocky Horror Show has been unstoppable and has gone on to perform around the world consistently, with countless UK tours! It has truly earned its place as one of the most cherished musicals, and the more you experience it, the deeper your affection grows! The real draw for the audience is always going to be the musical set-pieces.
The Rocky Horror Show has a distinctive audience, known for their enthusiastic participation. Many attendees come dressed as their favourite characters, and audience interaction is a key part of the experience, with smutty and humorous comments shouted out during the performance. Patrons also commonly join for the ‘Time Warp’ finale. For them this is much more than watching a musical, they are here to be part of the show! Also, the beautiful Playhouse Theatre provides an intimate environment, enhancing the audience’s ability to engage with the show and each other.
The characters are as colourful as the musical itself. At the press evening, Jason Donovan took centre stage as the iconic Frank-N-Furter. His casting was spot on, as he confidently donned every outfit, showcasing his impressive jumps and choreography, all while expertly managing his striking high heels. Donovan brought drama, sass and comedy to the role, always leaving the audience in fits of laughter.
The narrator, portrayed by Pete Price, was undoubtedly the standout feature of the show. Clad in a purple velvet suit, he resembled a charismatic pastor delivering a Sunday service. However, rather than a traditional sermon, he presented a ludicrous, partly improvised tale while engaging in an utterly chaotic “conversation” with the audience. The combination of the serious expression on his face, interspersed with random Everton jokes and cheeky sexual puns, created a truly unforgettable experience!
If you like musical theatre that breaks the norm and adds a touch of excitement, The Rocky Horror Show offers a unique and memorable experience. Overwhelmingly, it’s all about enjoying yourself and having fun, just like the magic of Rocky Horror.