ART Review

Theatre Royal, Nottingham – until Saturday 12th October 2024

Reviewed by Chris Jarvis


Bizarrely Bonkers

ART had me laughing throughout but left me feeling empathy for all 3 characters – Yvan (Seann Walsh), Marc (Aden Gillett) and Serge (Chris Harper) as the friendship between these guys for over 15 years fell apart! It also gave me an insight into the dynamics of male friendships!!

The play begins with Marc in spotlight addressing the audience. He tells us that one of his oldest friends, Serge, who is very keen on art, has bought a large painting that is a totally white canvas. 

We then join Serge in his home on the day of Marc’s visit where he is excited to show his latest art purchase. Marc is initially struck dumb when Serge shows him the 5’ x 4’ white canvas for which he has paid £200,000 and can’t believe how delighted Serge is with it. Initially there is tongue in cheek humour between them, but very quickly Marc loses control in and is vociferous in his comments about the painting he describes as ‘absolute shit’!

The white masterpiece becomes the trigger for events to come and Marc visits their mutual friend Yvan and shares with him what Serge has done. Yvan is a quiet man who seems keen to please those around him and is very distracted by his forthcoming wedding. He can’t understand why Marc is so upset about something that doesn’t really have any impact on anyone but Serge. 

As the play progresses one can only wonder how these three very different characters stayed such good friends for so long. They plan a lad’s night out and meet at Serge’s house for drinks. Yvan turns up very late and immediately launches into a hilarious monologue on why he is late involving the trials and tribulations of wedding planning. Hoping for a relaxed evening after his stressful day, Yvan finds himself in the middle of a volatile atmosphere about to erupt between Serge and Marc, stirring up intense emotion in himself and Serge with many dramatic tears shed, evoking in turn both pathos and hilarity. 

Although the painting is still the main discourse between them, it quickly becomes a slanging match with Serge being very offensive about Marc’s wife Paula. Serge performs a very funny and vivid mimic of Paula showing her displeasure at people smoking. Marc jumps up in defence of his wife and a fight follows with Yvan trying to intervene.

Yvan is then verbally abused by his two friends for being so weak-willed. Initially very upset by this, Yvan leaves but quickly returns and gives as ‘good as he got’!

Ultimately Serge hands Marc a blue felt pen and free rein to adapt the painting, and we are left wondering whether this is the beginning of the end of the friendship or whether it will become stronger.

Director Iqbal Khan has updated the original production in the 30th Anniversary year to give us a very well written dialogue, cleverly combining the serious with the funny making for a very enjoyable and thought-provoking experience. I feel sure everyone will identify elements from it in themselves or others they have met through life. The set was very simple but worked well and the acting was excellent.