The Mind Mangler – Member of the Tragic Circle Review

Hull New Theatre – until 1st June 2024

Reviewed by Dawn Bennett


I’ve seen a lot of the Mischief productions and have loved watching them all. After seeing Magic Goes Wrong on tour and the section with The Mind Mangler in it, I did wonder if it would be possible to fill a full show with just them and the answer is absolutely yes!

Even before the show began the fun started, the audience were given a card to fill in with their name and their darkest secret and hand it back in. Then the voice of the Mind Mangler himself came over the speakers telling us that he would “challenge himself to become a human lie detector” and this really set the tone for the rest of the show.

The show was non-stop fun, from one joke, magic trick and audience interaction to another.

Henry Lewis (The Mind Mangler) and Jonathan Sayer (Mike, “audience member” and Stooge) wrote this show as well as staring in it. It was slick, brilliantly acted and very, very funny.

The audience participation parts were so good, people where on stage, on camera and the Hull audience really had The Mind Mangler on his toes with some of the interactions and comments!

The mind reading and magic tricks were quite impressive and they really worked and even if they hadn’t it really wouldn’t have mattered it was all part of the fun. They did have me wondering how did they do that?

It’s quite hard to do a review and not give much away, people really need to go and see this show. My face hurts this morning from laughing and I’m very tempted to go and watch it again!

From the minute the show started it had me and the rest of the audience laughing, it is a fantastic show and really deserves full houses and standing ovations for the rest of the run.

A very welcome addition to the Mischief family. Just fabulous!