Twelve Angry Men Review

Grand Theatre, Blackpool – until Saturday 4 May 2024

Reviewed by Debra Skelton


Twelve Angry Men is a courtroom drama based on the 1957 well known film adaptation starring Henry Fonda. There have been several stage productions since the film was released and Blackpool now have the pleasure of being included in the UK run for 2024 produced by Bill Kenwright Ltd and directed by Christopher Haydon.

The story is about a jury of twelve men who have to debate based upon reasonable doubt the acquittal or conviction of a young man accused of murder. We as the audience are thrown straight into the deliberations of the jury without having heard or seen any of the trial so leaving us to accept the twelve men’s accounts and opinions and proving there can never be an absence of personal prejudice.

The only member of the group who votes not guilty is juror number 8 which helps the story to unfold whereby he can carefully and considerately unpick the case and explore the evidence and the existence of reasonable doubt.

Even though this was written almost 70 years ago, the writing is still relevant to this day and this production has a very powerful and engaging script. It explores compassion, morals and humanity and touches on the different walks of life for each of the twelve men including the nervous and needy advertising man to the young man who was brought up in a troubled neighbourhood similar to the accused.

As all twelve jurors were on stage from beginning to end whether that was in the main jury room or the men’s toilets, this meant all were required to be occupied at all times which gave the audience a further insight into their characters.

The whole cast of this production (which included stars like Jason Merrells, Gray O’Brien, Tristan Gemmill and Michael Greco) were amazing and portrayed their characters so believingly, they really provided such an entertaining performance.

The production also needs special thanks to Michael Pavelka for the highly effective 1950’s courtroom which included running water in the men’s toilet, rain coming down the windows and the centrepiece being a revolving table which rotates that slowly that you don’t even notice it moving but does give each member of the jury to have their moment on stage. Michael was also responsible for the authentic and different styles of clothing that truly suited this era. Chris Davey (Lighting Designer) and Andy Graham (sound designer) added to the tension in the courtroom providing bolts of lightning flashing through the windows.

Twelve Angry Men is a superb production with a standing ovation from the audience at the end attesting to this.

To see this production and determine your verdict, please get down to the Grand Theatre Blackpool between Monday 29th April 2024 to Saturday 04th May 2024.