Cluedo 2 Review

Hull New Theatre – until 13th April 2024

Reviewed by Dawn Bennett


Last night the Cluedo 2 cast treated us to an absolute masterclass in comic timing. The show was obviously very well-rehearsed as they moved themselves, the scenery and props around the stage effortlessly.

Written by Maurice Gran and Laurence Marks and directed by Mark Bell, Cluedo 2 is set in 1968 at Gravely Manor which is owned by rockstar Rick Black (Liam Horrigan, who also plays other parts in the show) who lives there with his wife Mrs Peacock (Hannah Boyce). Rick Black has written and recorded some new music much to the delight of his manager Colonel Mustard (Jason Durr) as the cash is now running out and he needs the royalties! Miss Scarlett (Ellie Leach) has been brought in to renovate the stately pile. There is going to be a gin commercial filmed the next day and next to arrive at the house is Wadsworth (Jack Bennett) who is an actor playing the butler in the commercial. The formidable cook/housekeeper Mrs White (Dawn Buckland) keeps the house running, Ricks friend Professor Plum (Edward Howells), Reverend Green (Gabriel Paul) who is over from the USA to see Rick and PC Silver (Tiwai Muza) make up the rest of the people in the house. The plot has lots of twists and turns and I really didn’t know whodunnit right until the end.

The body count in this show is quite high, there are two by the end of the first half alone. The first half introduces the characters and the second half moves the story along at quite a pace with lots of red herrings and even more bodies!

All the cast were outstanding particularly Jason Durr who played Colonel Mustard with a wonderful over the top southern American accent, Jack Bennett who was hilarious as Wadsworth the actor/butler (who wasn’t really the butler!) and Ellie Leach who was marvellous in her first stage role as Miss Scarlett.

I really enjoyed this production and I would recommend you go and see whodunnit for yourself!