ESO Universe Of The Mind Review

Forum Theatre, Malvern – 8th December 2023

Reviewed by Courie Amado Juneau


I have had the enormous pleasure of seeing the English Symphony Orchestra before and on each occasion they have given us an evening of sparkling musical pleasure. Tonight would prove to be no exception.

They opened with Brahms much loved Double Concerto. With a tune to knock your socks off right out of the blocks, the ESO impressed immediately with strident strings, muscular tutti and a precision of timing that has yet again blown me away.

Maja Bogdanović opening cello salvo was a virtuosic display designed to dazzle. I particularly enjoyed the double stopping, the strummed chords and harmonics. A master of her instrument, she makes it sing, roar and weep. There’s something about the cellos low notes dug into with gusto that stir the soul and give praise to the musical Gods.

Tonight’s other soloist, violinist Daniel Rowland, was equally compelling, the perfect partner with Maja, I loved his full throttled florid runs – especially as he did it with such apparent effortlessness. I also enjoyed his rock star like stage presence (think Slash with a violin). Both master musicians had great physicality and their timing with each other was precision itself; to an almost superhuman extent. They sounded like one soloist with 4 hands and two brains! The orchestra had perfect balance, bringing out ever nuance in the scores. The strings were particularly brilliant in both execution and sound. The Brahms middle movement was a soulful display of passion and drama. And the last movement had moments which to me sounded like a Poirot TV score (rather modern). An amazing work played flawlessly and the perfect way to start a concert! Daniel and Maja gave us an unexpected additional gift: Pēteris Vasks “Castillo Interior”. Two outer chorale like movements of aching beauty sandwiched a frantic middle movement. A magical piece which I will seek out again – Daniel told me that they have a recording of the work on Spotify.

After the interval it was Sibelius 5th Symphony. This early 20th Century work, gave us a totally different soundworld with the orchestra’s phenomenal brass section expanded to great effect. As in the first half, the entire orchestra sounded fantastic and those impressively crisp endings were awe inspiring, showing the intimate connection between players and Kenneth Woods masterful, sensitive conducting. The entire piece was a masterclass in tension building and, most satisfyingly, releases of epic proportions. Mr Woods had given us an entertaining talk regarding the concept of the final piece: “Fermeture” (an overture to end rather than open a programme) by Composer-in-Association Steve Elcock. This fabulous World Premiere was like a film score you might hear over end credits; with (to my ears) elements of Star Wars’s Stormtroopers, love themes, humour and romance… It was a most welcome addition and a piece that deserves to be heard repeatedly.

As ever, the ESO gave us a programme to thrill and delight with world class playing to rival any orchestra anywhere. We are fortunate to have such an exceptional Worcestershire based orchestra and I urge everyone with even the slightest interest in superb music making to catch their next concert. Once again (and until the next time) – Bravissimo!